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Specific or General?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:59 am
by Guysakar
Hi guys, brand new here and am considering what to write about for my first article.

I am basically wondering if niche articles do well. For instance, I am considering writing about dual sport motorcycles (pros and cons, etc...).

On one hand, if a webmaster is looking for the type of niche article I have written, it will obviously have a better chance of selling vs a more general article on motorcycles as a whole. Of course the downside is less webmasters are looking for those niche articles.

I know that in business, in general, it is a good thing to specialize, but you are talking about selling to the entire world/your community vs selling to just webmasters that frequent this site.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Re: Specific or General?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:49 am
by SJHillman
In my experiences, niche articles sell for more money but take longer to sell. Here's what I think are usually the best selling articles (in no real order):

1. Current events - Will sell quickly and for good money, but only for a short time. Any leftover articles may never sell after that time is up.
- Examples: Politics, news events, trends, fashions, specific technology or devices
2. Seasonal - Will sell like current event articles, but with the benefit of becoming relevant again once that season rolls around again.
- Examples: Sports, going to the beach, preparing for winter, Holidays
3. Fresh ideas for common topics - A good balance between selling fairly fast and demanding a good price.
- Examples: A new way to do X, an analysis of often overlooked data, looking at a topic from an uncommon point of view
4. Self-Help - How to do something or how to improve something
- Examples: Five Ways To Grow Juicier Vegetables, Get Started With Knitting Parachutes, Amaze Your Friends With Your Underwater Basketweaving Skills
5. Niche Topics - The stuff that has small, but loyal followings. They sell slowly because it may be a while before a relevant buyer comes along, but the money is good because articles are hard to find. Also great for repeat business.
- Examples: How to Use Your Motorcycle to Grow Juicier Vegetables, How to Become a Skydiving Chess Grandmaster, An In-Depth Look at Calligraphy from July 1987

Combining any of the above is great too, especially niche articles with a self-help slant. What I like to do is have a healthy mix of many different kinds of articles - both general and niche topics - to provide a more steady income stream without making myself bored.

Re: Specific or General?

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:58 am
by jak
Why not write both? Just make sure nothing is duplicated in the same words so they will both be accepted, and then you have two articles in your portfolio and two chances to sell.