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HARO New Guidelines
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:13 am
by Zabrina
I'm looking into adding some spice to my articles with quotes from sources and all that jazz. I looked into Help A Reporter Out, HARO, and it looks like they now require a website ranked 1 million or higher in Alexa, with a named publication or website. Does anyone know whether they still accept queries for on-spec/freelance articles?
Re: HARO New Guidelines
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:24 am
by Zabrina
All right, I sent an email and here's the response I got:
Constant Content is not an acceptable outlet because absolutely no monetary transaction may result from a HARO query. Sorry for the inconvenience.
This is obviously a bit confusing since traditional journalists get paid for their articles, too... I sent a clarification email to try to get some more insight, asking if you need to be commissioned to write the article first. The answer:
You will need to have an acceptable media outlet listed in order to have your query approved.
So seems like the answer is, if your CC client is big enough and willing to give you the website address of the site it'll be published on, and it conforms to the 1-million Alexa ranking rule, you may be able to get sources.