Questions about Requested Content
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 3:34 am
I am quite new over here, and I wish to know if any of you can help me find out more details regarding writing for requests. This is one of the instructions I've found over here: "Need 'tips and tricks' and tutorials on the follow topics for my website - PCUnleashed. Please check the site to ensure you are not covering the same topic. You can cover different angles of the topic but for example not word for word the title. More Tips and Tricks. Please include screen caps when needed. Number of Documents: 50...."
I understand that the client needs 50 articles about PCUnleashed, right? Anyways, he/she mentions that I should check the site to ensure that I am not covering the same topic. Is he referring to CC site or another site? If he is talking about another site, where can I find it? There is no URL provided. Should I send the client a message, asking him about the site?
Additionally, I would like to know how the process of writing for requests works here. Is it true that more writers write articles and the client chooses the ones he/she prefers? What happens with the "rejected" articles? Are writers allowed to post them here, at CC?
I really appreciate any information you can provide.
I am quite new over here, and I wish to know if any of you can help me find out more details regarding writing for requests. This is one of the instructions I've found over here: "Need 'tips and tricks' and tutorials on the follow topics for my website - PCUnleashed. Please check the site to ensure you are not covering the same topic. You can cover different angles of the topic but for example not word for word the title. More Tips and Tricks. Please include screen caps when needed. Number of Documents: 50...."
I understand that the client needs 50 articles about PCUnleashed, right? Anyways, he/she mentions that I should check the site to ensure that I am not covering the same topic. Is he referring to CC site or another site? If he is talking about another site, where can I find it? There is no URL provided. Should I send the client a message, asking him about the site?
Additionally, I would like to know how the process of writing for requests works here. Is it true that more writers write articles and the client chooses the ones he/she prefers? What happens with the "rejected" articles? Are writers allowed to post them here, at CC?
I really appreciate any information you can provide.