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About older articles . . . ?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:29 am
by Dorothy Edison
This question is for high volume/established writers to CC. I was wondering if you find that your older articles are eventually picked up or if they just sit there unnoticed? I know there are a lot of articles here that were written months ago, even though I see some of them are eventually purchased. I just wondered if it actually pays to have a large amount of articles on here for potential buyers to choose from--or if it's more of a time cost than anything. I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks!


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 8:38 am
by LJade
Hey Dorothy, I'm no expert by far but I think it pays. Some of mine have sold that were just sitting, you never know what someone is looking for. A lot of older articles were sold this week!

Mary (she's ranked #1 by the way) has hundreds of articles! That alone says a lot and I've noticed that some of the older ones do sell.

So, my opinion is yes. I'll wait to see what some of the others say...this may be interesting! lol

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:13 am
by constant-content
They do sell, I think candicep is the leader in that area. She has been idle on the site for a bit but we keep paying her every week with old articles selling. Again this is hit an miss though, if the right person comes along they will buy.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:29 am
by Dorothy Edison
That's good to know! I've noticed as I've sold articles that the number of articles downloaded isn't actually the number of articles sold by the author. For awhile I thought that 400 articles vs. 66 downloads seemed a little discouraging. But this number doesn't inlude exclusive or full rights, does it?


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:06 am
by LJade
The downloads actually represent the number of times an article has been sold for "usage" but I think it would be neat if it represented articles sold.

Right now you can only see how many articles someone has sold if they are listed among the most prolific but I guess it keeps us on our toes and gives us some

Mary just amazes me!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:08 pm
by constant-content
right... we are changing that whole page. Its on the list but the bottom of the list :)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:03 am
by Nessiee
Okay, it's good to know if older articles sell, but I have another related question, so I figured I'd add it to this board.

Do many articles sell that are just posted to the site, but not as a response to the 'requested articles' section? And what would you call a 'new article' as opposed to an 'old article'. Like time frame where if it hasn't sold, then it turns into an old one.

And also, what have you usually found for the articles not made to fill requests. Do they normally sell soon after they are accepted, or it is a sort of hit or miss thing, because you have to write in specific catagories more to sell more work?

Sorry for all the questions. I'm new... And rather curious.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:56 pm
by LJade
I'm sure that everyone will have a different take on this but in my own opinion and old article is one that's been sitting for 6 months or more; that doesn't mean it will not sale though.

Some articles I've written for specific requests are still sitting but I'm an optimistic old goat plus I've only been around since the end of June too.

I would really say you're right, it kinda is a hit or miss type of deal. As C-C's advertising hits more and more markets though, you never know what the requests may be and you never know who is browsing.

My first couple of weeks here I was just writing to write and I hit a gold mine not meaning to. I submitted a "WAHM" article, it sold so I did another one, it sold too and I ended up selling over a dozen really quick. They were all 600-1000 words and sold for $50-$120 (full rights)--I was thrilled.

None of those were requested, a few other writers saw those being sold and they too submitted, apparently I had a fan!

I can't give away all of my secrets but "there are ways" to market yourself as well as what you have sitting for sale. I don't mean cheating or contacting customers, legitimate ways.

So, let's see what everyone else says!

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:24 pm
by malward
Hi Gang,

Yes, I have a lot of articles on the site. Many of the first ones I added were previously published, so only a useage price is asked. On Sept. 5, I sold 13 articles and many of them had been sitting since I joined in March. So Dorothy it's a good idea to leave your articles sitting on the site. You never know when someone will come along and buy a lot of them. That was a great day for me. I don't plan on taking any of mine off the site. I may be truly surprised one day and sell another 10 or 12, then again, maybe only 2 or 3, but a sale is a sale.