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Whatch'a Gonna Be???
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:29 pm
by LJade
Hey Y'all!
Every year our little town has a hall-o-ween celebration on Main St. for everyone, it's safe and it's fun. Every year I usually 'make-up' my own costume (last year I was a witch) but this year when I told my hubby what I wanted to be he busted out laughin.
I don't think being a bag lady is a bad idea, we save all them plastic bags from the grocery store every week and we've got oodles of 'em. And it's cheap!
So, I've been trying to devise some kind of a belt-like or even velcro system and so far, no good. So, I may have to give up and be something else.
I'm sick of my own dilemma, so whatch'a gonna be?
I'd like to know!
PS. My hubby wanted me to dress up like a member of the group PCD (Pussy Cat Dolls) that sings " Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don'tcha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me... Don'tcha!" You can tell where his mind is!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:20 pm
by malward
Lady Jade,
I think being a bag lady would be wonderful. Get some old raggedy clothes, and fill a bunch of bags with old rags or something. To fasten them onto your belt, use string and put it through the handles and then tie them to your belt. Any belt will do. Use your hubby's.
One year I went out as a bag lady. I had an old beaten up lady's straw sunhat, raggedy jeans under an old house dress and wore a fleece lined vest and an old blue jean jacket over it. I wore men's work boots, wool socks that I pulled over the legs of the blue jeans and put on some makeup to make my face look weathered. You can do this. Let me know how you make out.
double sided tape
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:07 am
by AnnM
Use the heavy duty double sided tape squares.
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:29 am
by LJade
Mary I bet that was a riot! You've inspired me with the boots.
Ann may have a point with that double sided tape!
I was really just gonna wear a pair of shorts and a skimpy top beneath because all that plastic will get hot I'm sure.
I thought about taping or glueing the bags to cardboard so I could make like a southern bell dress looking type of deal out of those plastic bags.
I'm gonna try the tape and see how that works, my sister did use some temporary seamstress tape once for the hem of a dress.
I'm just determined to be a 'bag' lady.
My best friend said that if I go as a 'bag' lady that's she's going as a ball of yarn, so she's looking for a discount store with cheap yarn. We've already been featured on the front page of the local paper once this year and I'll bet we'll get top honors on this too.
Alright Mary, spill the beans...what are you gonna be this year? Ann you too, enquiring minds want to know.


I am going to be the mommy of a mermaid...
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:30 pm
by AnnM
She wants me to dress up as a fish, but I think I'll just be in my suburban mommy gear, holding her hand when we cross the street and carrying her wand/wig/bag when they get irritating/itchy/heavy...
Now, I just need to finish sewing her costume!
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:03 pm
by malward
Lady Jade,
I doubt if I will be going this year. Sometimes, if my daughter and her husband are both working, I take the boys out and if I do, I dress up. However, they are both off this year, so guess I lose out.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:09 pm
by TheWriteKind
Malward: you should go anyway.
LJade: I'd put you as a bag lady and your friend as a ball of yarn on the front page of my local paper too! THat's hysterical! In the spring, one of our local elementaries had 'alien day'. I got the greatest photo of these 7 girls all dressed up like aliens. Put it on the front lots of great feedback. People love to see that kind of stuff on the front page, especially in a small town on the cover of a weekly.
Im gonna dress up the same as i do every a vampire. I have an affinity for them to death!
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:26 pm
by LJade
Mary, Mary, Mary...there ain't nothing wrong with having fun on Halloween with or without kids. I'm 30+ and I'm still a kid!
...And it's nice to know someone else would feature me, that's always encouraging. LMAO-thanks WriteKind!
My kids are going as Power Rangers with the exception of the 7 year old and he's going as Spiderman. I can't wait though! I'm still working on my own. I'm gonna try needle and thread this time.
My kids are going as Power Rangers...that figures.
It's supper time, I'll see you guys later!