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My was yours??

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:36 pm
by LJade
Hi Everyone!

I've been out for a little while, part work, part trip planning and the other...halloween costume preparation!

Some of you will remember that I wanted to recycle my plastic kitchen bags from the grocery store and go as an original 'bag lady' but it almost didn't happen.

I usually don't say too much about politics I guess but the thought did cross my mind to use Halloween as a time to make a statement but I didn't, my idea was still a laugh though.

In my town individuals/businesses set up tables on Main street and give away candy. I wanted to be F.E.M.A.! The sign on my table would read, "Limited supply, we don't know where the rest of the candy is!"

It really would have made a cute toon for the paper's comic strip, but I was a bag costume worked! Not without the help of a talented seamstress though who actually sewed my bags together to resemble a wedding dress but my friend's idea (the ball of yarn) didn't work out...way too much money.

We had fun though, my kids got loads of candy that I'll be sucking on til Easter and when we got home at like 11p.m.--they were out of it! Did anyone have a nice Halloween, c' much candy did y'all get???

LJ :arrow: :roll:

Hi, LJ

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:03 pm
by susie
Your Halloween sounds like it was a blast and your costume is such an original idea. My husband and I were going to go around as an old couple and we wouldn't have had to dress in costume either. lol. Well, no kiddies showed up at our door, so the moral of this story is: Always buy candy that you like so if no one comes a knockin', you can party harty!

Susie :D

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:42 am
by LJade
LOL, Susie that's cute.

When I was a child we knocked on every door we could find to get candy, of course that's when candy was X-rayed to make sure it was safe too and no one goes door to door like that anymore.

I guess safety first!

LJ :arrow: :wink: