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Some People!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:59 am
by LJade
Halloween night after trick or treating, my family was hungry and we were given coupons to get free personal pizza's for the you know that's where we went to eat.

When we finished, we were loading up in the mini van and the little one (4yrs. old) says, "I gotta pee".

The pizza place has no bathroom, the laundry mat next door keeps theirs locked at night and the nearest gas station was across the street, my son couldn't 'hold' that long.

So....we opted to take him around the corner of the building, he's a boy and it's easy for him to get his business done.

As soon as we round the corner to discreetly let him 'use', I hear this scream from across the parking lot.I looked around and there's this big lady screaming at US! Screaming like she's mad as all get out and she's gonna whoop somebody.

To make a long story a bit shorter, she came over to me and really fussed about taking the kids (both of my boys went with daddy supervising) behind the building to 'pee', she was very vulgar!

It was a humiliating scene to say the least.

She claimed to be on the phone with the owner of the building, of course she handed me the cell phone and I let both the 'supposed owner' and the woman have it. I was ticked!

It was not a pretty sight and I'm choosing not to include the choice words exchanged, I was ready to pop that lady though which is odd for me. I'm still mad about it!

Ok, I agree that opting to go behind a building isn't so smart but what else are you gonna do when a child has to use facilities...when there is none?

Ok, that's my grip for today. I was hoping I would feel better but I still feel crumby, I really think I would feel better right now had I have opted to pop that lady!

It would have been worth the bond to bail me out and my kids could have cheered me on...she was pretty big though! I think I could've took her. This would be hilarious if she's a writer on C-C!

:arrow: LJ :?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:30 am
by psharmon
LJ...People who haven't had children or forgot what it's like do not understand the urgency of the child needing to go to the bathroom. When they say they've got to, they've got to NOW!

If she didn't like it, oh well.

I bet you could've taken

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:44 am
by malward

When kids gotta go, they gotta go. There's nothing else to do and it's something you would only do in an emergency. If businesses were required to have washrooms, which they are here in Ontario, this wouldn't have happened. Any eating establishment here must have a public washroom, even the ice cream parlor where I take the grandsons for a treat.

I had a woman pull into a parking place once and almost hit me as I let my grandson out of the car. She and I had words and they weren't pleasant either. I told my hubby later that if the grandson hadn't been there that I would have decked her. And I'm not a violent person. I guess we are like mother bears when it comes to protecting our young. :)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:46 am
by LJade
I'm glad you guys understand! I'm not a violent person but while I was exchanging some choice words with her--I had visions! I wanted to throw that lady in a head lock and well, I just wanted to get my hands on her.

I don't know why it's not a requirement to have public restrooms around here, the laundrymat nextdoor has them but they keep them locked. Plus my 4 year old usually waits until the last minute to 'go' too.

These are the kinds of issues that affect me. What's even worse is if I wrote my Congressman...they would toss that letter in the trash.

Who cares about foreign policy when I can't even find a place to pottie?

One day I'll be rich when I invent the portable pottie for kids! My twelve year old has used a Coke bottle before, I wonder how they'd feel about that?

Moms, ya gotta love the stuff we go through!

Peace out!
:arrow: LJ :roll:

The pee saga!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:50 am
by candicep
Hey LadyJade,

I have two boys and believe me, I've had to let them "go" in some very inconvenient places!!!! The interstate, the national park, behind buildings - you name it! So, don't feel bad! When it happens, it just does, and there's not much we can do about it.

I think you did the right thing. I've seen people let their kids go right out in the open - in parking lots! So, I think you did the most civilized thing possible. The lady should have been thankful you didn't let him go beside the car in the parking lot (or on a car - hee, hee!)

Don't let her get to you.


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:32 pm
by LJade

That's funny because I actually talked to my mom today and it seems that our family apparently has bad luck in the realm of potties, I can't believe I forgot!

As a child, I had severe kidney problems and when I had to go...I really had to go.

Once at the library I had to go and my Mom saw a door in the back with big black letters that spelled, "Bathroom".

So, my Mom politely asked if I could use the bathroom and the lady said, "No we don't have a bathroom".

To make a long story...once again short, my Mom got ticked off and she pulled my panties down, she MADE me tinkle on the rug right there in front of that lady.

After a long argument ofcourse.

Funny thing, after that children could use the bathroom at the public library but Mom's rep was changed. Some felt that she was a woman with conviction, she was praised for her action taken and others just thought she was nuts, either way I guess I understand the chain of things.

I guess my experience could have been worse, but if I ever see that lady from the parking lot again...well I just may pose a spread eagle straight over her hood and give her a golden shower she'll never forget as long as she lives. LOL (I wish!)

LJ 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:25 pm
by RachelN
That's awful that that happened last night, LadyJade, I can't believe some people's attitudes. :cry:

I laughed at the library tale, though! I can relate to the kidney problems, having suffered a lot as a child and unfortunately now as well. I've been away for the weekend and a lot of the trip revolved around finding the next toilet. I'm really not a fan of having to nip behind a hedge, but sometimes needs must :wink: Have also been known to nip into men's toilets when the coast is clear.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:45 pm
by LJade
Rachel...I'm guilty in that respect too. My husband has guarded the 'coast' for me!

:arrow: LJ :P

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:57 pm
by malward

I take diuretics and when you take those urination is urgent - always. I have also used men's bathrooms and don't think twice about it. The first time I ever did it was long before the diuretics when I was pregnant with my daughter. It was at a drive in diner and people stared. I didn't care in the least. The relief was well worth the stares of the patrons.

I see nothing wrong with kids going behind a tree or in some other inconspicious place. When nature calls, nothing will prevent some people from answering. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:55 am
by LJade
I've been sitting here laughing...aint it funny how we enjoy these common conversations? I bet Chris and 'The Invisible One' monitoring sit back in pure amazement sometimes! LOL

Which reminds me....

Names are for some reason a big thing with me and I just found that out recently when the one we know as "Article Admin"... has no name, just a title.

I dubbed a name "The Invisible One" (granted it's a's a name) and for some reason I just get a kick out of that. It's just mysterious.

Then yesterday Chris demonstrated some authority and "Constant" just don't fit, I have one more fitting for him too!

(Drum Roll)


I honestly don't have lots of free time y'all, my brain just works really fast!

:arrow: LJ :D

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:34 am
by RachelN
Lol! Big Daddy is very appropriate :D

Hope he notices and likes his new name.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:50 pm
by LJade
Rachel....uhhh, no comment yet! LOL I've been watching to see.


Later girl
:arrow: LJ :wink: