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Complaint from Private Client

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:08 pm
by Lisa-Anne Sanderson
I was extremely upset this morning, because I received an email from a Private Client. The client complained that my last two articles 'didn't read well', and that she was 'disappointed'. I have asked her for more details.

However, I was surprised, because I have been writing for this client for years, and the client bought all of the articles. It looks like I won't receive any more Private Requests from this person.

Helpful advice will be appreciated!

Re: Complaint from Private Client

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:32 am
by SJHillman
The issue could lie with either you or them.

If it's you, it could just be you weren't on top of your game. It happens to everyone. Or your writing style may have been subtly influenced by a novel you've recently read.

If it's them, they could just be in a bad mood or feeling particularly picky or they're listening to potentially bad advice from someone else. If it's an organization, someone other than the normal contact may be involved.

I would get someone you trust to give honest feedback read over the articles in question. If nothing jumps out at them, then the issue is probably with the client. If that's the case, then the best you can do is accept weird client behaviors as part of freelancing.

Re: Complaint from Private Client

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:11 pm
by Lisa-Anne Sanderson
Thank you so much. That's excellent advice.

I will ask a friend to read the last articles, and see what he or she thinks.

Best Regards,

Re: Complaint from Private Client

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:11 am
by Lysis
I write for this particular tech company. There is an editorial service between me and the actual client. About once every few months, I get a note from the editor telling me my lede is weak and I need to step it up. It sucks hearing it, so I understand your pain. It really sucks hearing how much you suck sometimes! lol

I totally understand why it's bothering you. It would bother me too, and I think it would bother most people.

Try to shake it off. Maybe re-read your content when you calm down to see if she has a point. I know my editor is usually on-point when he smacks me, but I gotta calm down before I can really view it without emotion.

I think sometimes we get into the motions (this is a job after all) and we forget to add personality, or maybe you were just off that day. The difference between us and the normal 9-5 is we can't have a bad day without being called on it. When I work corporate, I can slack off for a day and it won't matter. You can't do that freelance writing. You have to be on-point all the time no matter what is bothering us.

You're just human. It's ok. Try not to let it get to you too much.

Re: Complaint from Private Client

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:24 am
by contentwriter
Just wondering: Were you able to get feedback from your friend? Did the client ever explain why they were dissatisfied?

I think a constructive criticism would give a reason for such a judgment, instead of just saying "It sucks!"

Hope you haven't run into similar stuff again.