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Psharmon and her mixed breeds...

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:36 pm
by Lizaj
:lol: :lol: Thanks for the good laugh. Wish I could read the rest of it. :lol: :lol: (the collapso really got me)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:40 am
by LJade
I haven't read it but I'm gonna go look for it unless it's sold! (If it is-good job!)

I'm having a dilemma ... as always.

Sunday I found a dog in my backyard and he was skin and bones, a full size chihuahua. That day my kids and I took him everywhere we went, the poor dog ate chicken nuggets at McDonalds and we even took him to see the Christmas lights.

My husband hates the dog and the dog hates him but the dog loves the rest of us to death--I can't keep him though because I have a dog. Two is too much in the house.

I'm a dramatic person and I've just cried so hard so maybe I need an uplifting funny story to get my mind off of this little dog that I can't keep. Pray for me!!

:arrow: LJ :(

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:30 am
by wendyp
Stay focused on the fact that you are helping this dog, even if you can't keep it. A couple of suggestions from a former animal shelter worker:
Take the dog to Animal Control----I know, I know, everyone worries about "the mean pound people" killing the dog after a week. It doesn't always happen that way (ha-ha,luckily for all of you I just deleted my gazillion-word soapbox rant that followed here). When you take the dog in, you can often put a "finder's hold" on it, so that if it isn't claimed, they will notify you. Meanwhile, the owner has a better chance of finding him and he gets a warm, safe place to live without causing stress in your family.

Contact your local chihuahua rescue group (find them online) and let them know you have a finder's hold on a dog. They will very likely be able to take it in when the holding period is up.

Also, talk to the folks at the pound. Many more people adopt from shelters these days, and small dogs are in high demand.

WendyP, a very new cc member

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:23 pm
by psharmon
Ohhhh...I wish I could take him myself. I love the little things but I think my 16 pound cat would probably eat it for breakfast.

Like Wendy said, the shelters always have people looking for small dogs and they screen the people before allowing them to adopt.

Glad you liked the's amazing but people are crossbreeding these dogs and selling them for outrageous prices. A Puggle (cross pug and beagle) is selling in my area for almost $1,000. Yikes! Maybe we're all in the wrong business!

Take care and hope everything works out with the little pooch!