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Proofreaders, anyone?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:37 pm
by candicep
Hi Chris and writers,

I'm wondering if any writers here use a proofreader, and how it is working for you. I am considering whether it would be worth it to hire someone to proofread all my articles before submitting them here or anywhere else. I've had some disappointing things to happen, such as once my article has been published, I notice an error or misspelling. This is upsetting because it's too late to change it! :-(

I know proofreaders aren't perfect, but it would be nice to have someone else read over my article at least a couple of times to see if I miss anything. I read my articles several times and use a grammar checker, etc. But, still errors slip through the cracks - oh boy!!!!!

Any suggestions or solutions would be helpful. If you are using a proofreader, is it worth it? Are they expensive?

Or, if you have some proofreading tricks you can show us - anything!

To Chris at CC.....

Maybe this is a service you could consider offering to us writers. We could pay for it monthly or per article or something like that - who knows!


Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:26 pm
by malward

I check my articles a couple of ways. First, if it is something that is not for a request, I leave it a couple of days and go back and read it. Second, if it is a request, I have my hubby read it. He is a good proof reader. If you have anyone there who would be willing to read your work, it helps a great deal and I know that Article Admin often catches mistakes too.

Proofreaders prices vary. Some charge by the page and some charge a flat rate. However, I think you can get by without one. It's hard to catch mistakes in our own work because we know what it's supposed to say and even though we read it, we subconsciously read what is supposed to be written. Hope this makes sense.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:50 pm
by another_mother

I don't think it would be worth the expense to hire a proofreader. I've done some proofreading myself, and I can do it for others, but it is still difficult to proof my own work. Like Mary said, we subconsciously see what we know should be there.

There is a trick for this. Read your work aloud. Doing so keeps you from skimming the copy. It also helps you find awkward phrases and missed or improper punctuation.

I hope this helps.



Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:49 am
by candicep
Thanks! That does help. I wish I had someone here to read my work. I'm a single mother with 13 and 10 year old sons - not likely candidates for proofreading right now!! :-) But..... maybe one day!


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:44 pm
by Galskygge
I proof read for a magazine, and honestly it really all depends on whether or not you want to pay someone to proof read your work. If you want to proof read it without having to pay for something such as that then I suggest proof reading it yourself. Just hang on to whatever it is you wrote for a day or so then go back and recheck everything. It's kind of like a refresh like that. Whatever you decide to do I hope it all works out for you. Good luck.