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Marketing yourself
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:51 pm
by beconrad
I've only been here a couple of months and I'm just wondering how you long termers go about marketing yourself. I have done a lot of quick, easy to write articles at the various freelance sites, and sold a few higher value articles here, but I am unsure how to go about looking for more high paying jobs elsewhere.
I don't expect anyone to give up any trade secrets of course, but I'm just wondering how all you successful writers do it.

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:44 pm
by candicep
The best way to market yourself is to have your own web site and promote it in the search engines and to potential customers (but don't spam). Only write to those who are welcoming submissions - by email and regular mail if necessary.
Write some articles to place on your site for examples or for sale and promote these as well. You can take a look at my site to get some ideas. My site is still in the works and I'm still testing some things, but maybe it will give you a start.
I'm still new to having a career as a writer, but I used the design template of a very successful writer, and the writing site is getting me some work, although I'm not making a "good" living yet!
Hope this helps!
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:19 am
by LJade
That's a good question that most people don't want to share about ... I'm nice though.
I agree 100% with Candice, you have to have a website period. I see ads all the time, "e-mail me and request a sample".
My question is, do you like opening countless attachments?
I don't and nobody else does either, it's a lot easier to send a link that someone can simply click for samples.
Another way is to keep an eye out for those new site owners looking for help, cut them a break on a couple of orders and then once they request your service again ... let 'em know that 'favor time' is over.
If they're gaining from your work (usually SEO projects) they'll pay respectively.
I can't let all of my secrets out but outsourcing sites do pay the bills and referrals are gained from favors too.
You can use my site as an example, it's still not up to par but it works.
Good luck!


Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:57 am
by constant-content
If you notice candicep website she points people to Constant Content for articles she has written. This was one main idea's of Constant Content, that writers would use CC as a place to handle payments, licenses, support, etc for articles.
Not everyone has a merchant account and a secure way to accept credit cards. Not every writer can create a website where then can show or sell the work they do. Even a simple blog that lists new article’s you have written on CC is a great idea.
Marketing yourself
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:21 pm
by beconrad
Wow everyone - thanks for your help and great tips.
Candicep - I love your website! I have a simple website but it's not really ready to go yet and its nowhere near as great as yours. It does give me something to shoot for though.
I've only been doing this for about a year, but so far I've been impressed with the money I've made. It's certainly more than I could get from a traditional part time job. Everyone here is so friendly and professional. This is by far the best site I've found.
Good luck to everyone and thanks again.
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:57 pm
by candicep
Thanks for the nice comment about my site. It made my day!
Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:00 pm
by Lizaj
Candicep---Your website is very professional and user- friendly. (is that still a phrase?) Very nice.
LJade--I really like yours, too and you GOT me with your writer's page question. Now I may have to buy the e-book.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:40 pm
by LJade

Thanks Liza, I'm still working on the never ending e-book! It just keeps growing and growing, I keep going back and adding important things ... it should be good if it ever gets finished.