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What's everyone writing this week?
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:22 am
by HerbDoctor
I'm going to polish up an aromatherapy article I didn't get finished (we had 2 funerals, a band concert and a baseball practice all going on in our world last week) and then start a new series on popular herbal supplements.
What's on your screen this week?
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:36 am
by Celeste Stewart
Hi there! Your articles sound interesting. I think I'm going to tackle more of the PHP articles. I sold two so far but they were more generic - ie advantages of using PHP versus actual "how to" advice.
I'm also working on my young adult novel - I'm in a critique group and this week is my turn to have a couple chapters critiqued which usually gets me fired up to move forward.
Seems like it was a slow CC weekend. Hopefully the week will pick up some steam!
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:37 pm
by Eliza Ferree
st.patty's day stuff. Going to see if any sell, I haven't seen any yet but who knows.
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:39 am
by Eliza Ferree
been awfully quiet this week. How is everyone? Hope the silence means ya'll are writing away. I
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:36 am
by Celeste Stewart
Hi Eliza,
Yes, it's been quiet here. I try to write at least one article per day for CC. If no requests catch my eye, then I work on something of my own choosing. I keep a little list of topics that I might write someday and go to it if nothing strikes me.
Usually I'll write about something that I am researching for my own purposes so I kill two birds with one stone. For example, when I got my ultrasound to find out the sex of my upcoming baby, I read all about it on the net, had the ultrasound, wrote an article about "Keepsake Ultrasounds" and ended up selling the article for $70. So, I was able to make money from something I was doing anyway.....can't complain about that! Right now, I'm converting my Simple IRA to a Roth IRA so I imagine I'll write about IRAs soon.....I'm also writing some of the techie articles like JavaScript, PHP, MySQL etc in hopes that they meet the requesters need. So I am definitely busy writing this week. Oh yes, I did some of the art and eBay articles too. Plus I'm working on my novel and doing my regular day job of sales and marketing (just part time from home - is that cool or what?!) and raising my 5 year old!
What about the rest of you guys? Anything exciting?
Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 11:00 am
by HerbDoctor
I'm like Celeste, I try to write an article a day for C-C. Didn't even come close this week. I took a day off to work outdoors (we were expecting storms) and then I took yesterday off w/ a cold. (I'm not complaining. Any cold I can work through is OK w/ me.)
All in all, it was a wasted week. But, I checked email this morning and found I'd sold 2 usage licenses so that was a welcome surprise.
Anyone else?
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:16 am
by J. A. Young
I usually submit more than I have over the last two weeks but the whole family has had bad colds, fevers, etc...
Otherwise, I've been ramping up for the upcoming gardening season with all sorts of garden & landscape articles, but now I'm wondering, where did all the garden/landscape customers go? A few weeks ago those articles were selling like mad. I suppose sales just go up and down like that.
I know we aren't privy to specific customer details, but would admin ever consider allowing us to know how many subscribers we have in a certain area. Like, how many customers request emails for new article listings like gardening. And, I would be interested to know how many unique buyers I've had versus repeat customers.
Well, I suppose I'll start work on another article. At one point I was selling a lot of history related pieces. I loved doing those but then they stopped selling. C'est la vie. It's a hit and miss business.
Lot of storms moved through the midwest last night. Weather-proofing your garden. I guess I'll go there for today's writing. It's worth a try. --J.
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:24 am
by HerbDoctor
Yeah, I'd like to see broad search results. My field of knowledge of pretty narrow--natural & alternative medicine--but I'd like to see if any of my ideas have been searched for.
Hope you're feeling better.
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:57 am
by J. A. Young
Thanks. I'm getting there. I owe it all to Cold-eeze. Maybe you could write an article about why those things work--they really do. Usually I feel far worse when I get a cold like this one, but I've been eating coldeez like candy and I've been able to function pretty well. It's pretty neat how many interesting articles we have on the site. Sometimes I've actually considered buying one or two that I really wanted to read. --J.
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:43 am
by southernrose
LOL J. I've also been tempted to buy a couple articles I was interested in reading.