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Word Count Weirdness
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:16 am
by Gauderbock
Ok, an article that was just approved shows a word count that's way off the real figure. 166.1% higher to be precise
And it seems my articles still in review have the word count as an editable field, which I don't remember seeing before.
Anyone else?
Re: Word Count Weirdness
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:51 am
by HiredGun
Gauderbock wrote:Ok, an article that was just approved shows a word count that's way off the real figure. 166.1% higher to be precise
And it seems my articles still in review have the word count as an editable field, which I don't remember seeing before.
Anyone else?
Just checked my 'in review' articles and the word counts appear correct. The word count box is editable, but I think that is because a submission can still be tweaked by the author prior to approval from CC's editors. Maybe fire off an email to Nicole or Shari and see if they can get the IT department to check. It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada, so you may not get a reply till Tuesday.
Re: Word Count Weirdness
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:01 am
by Gauderbock
It looks like the editor box is adding a chunk of CSS code during submission. Nicole was helpful in fixing a few approved articles, but I'm still not sure whether the problem is at my end or CC's.
But just for info, for now the fix is to edit submitted articles while still in review, click on the 'source' button, remove the code, and save the changes.