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MY Woes
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:20 pm
by vjlenin
Hi friends,
I am highly aspirant author. I got ten documents published already, and I published three articles on a request. But they were not purchased at all, and the person requested them never purchased anything from CC.
I got my first work purchased within hours time, but that's the only success I have had so far. When i look at the other profiles out there, I see that an author gets one purchase for every three or four works he or she writes. Usually, for the big players above 200 works published, there are purchases of almost hundred (nearly 70 would be a good number.) But I dont seem to have such a great success so far. I don't know why.
Recently, one of my article on typing was purchased and the person returned that article. I was dumbstruck with this. Can any of you look at my works, and advise on the best course of action to make sales. I guess my prices are apt for the word length and kind of information provided in the article, and my research is also considerably good, then where do I go wrong, if I go wrong? Please answer me, friends, I am in anticipation.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:24 pm
by vjlenin
A weird idea crossed my mind, is any of the persons that purchased my article, tarnishing my name? Is anybody writing in any forums that I am a bad author, and nobody should purchase from me?
Please tell me, if you had great success from CC? Is it a good option for making a decent living? Is it good to make a good reputation as writer? particularly since most of the sales we make are full rights, and we will never get credit for them.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:36 pm
by grouchy
Hi - you haven't been around long enough to be so discouraged already, not by any measure!
I'll let the more experience and successful writers address your other questions, but I believe your articles are thorough and well-written.
Please cut yourself a little slack and be more patient - it's the only way to survive out here in this jungle.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:41 pm
by Celeste Stewart
It takes time to find the right balance here and figure out which types of articles are going to be snatched up right away. You've had a taste of success - in fact within hours of submitting your first article which is awesome!
I doubt anyone is badmouthing you on any forums. I believe that CC has been getting slammed with a bunch of fraudulent orders lately which is probably why you have a returned sale. Many of us have been affected by these fake orders. We see a sale on our account only to have it fall through because the customer was using a bogus credit card or something like that.
I've had a great deal of success with CC. From my experience, CC is a wonderful option for making a living and building a reputation. Enough sales go through where our bylines are kept to build a portfolio of clips. It took me about six months to go from newbie with just a few sales here and there to someone who had regular work. This will vary from person to person, of course. But it is doable.
Hang in there! I know it gets frustrating.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:29 pm
by vjlenin
hi celeste, grouchy, thanks very much for the very encouraging reply, i made a reply, but that was posted as a new topic. thanks
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:34 pm
by Ed
At first I was worried about your submissions because they often need another proofread before they are finished. However, your perseverance is noted and could be used as an example for writers who want to improve at Constant Content.
When I reject your article for grammar or other reasons, you immediately make what changes you see are necessary to make, but you don't stop there. You also polish the text and smooth out awkward spots. The finished product is often much better than your original submission. It is clear that you want to work hard. As an editor, I am always delighted when you've improved the text in areas YOU felt needed work - not only in areas that I have requested you change.
Just keep doing what you're doing. Take your time, take a few deep breaths, find some subjects that interest you, and don't get discouraged. Maybe try writing some shorter articles - those sell more easily than longer pieces.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:39 pm
by vjlenin
dear Ed,
Thanks very much for your reply, and you cleared one important doubt I had. I was really doubtful as to whether the shorter articles receive more sales than the longer ones. I guess I can try making some shorter ones, I found most of the requests are made for articles of about 500 600 words length, and not whopping 2000s. So maybe I should concentrate some time on shorter useful goodies, at lower prices. thanks
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:22 pm
by Word Gypsy
HI! Let me add my two cents here. It is difficult to gauge what is going to sell and what isn't. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any content left to sell, because we would have all guessed correctly! I don't let that worry me though, because eventually, most of my articles will sell. I sold one over the weekend that I wrote in 2005. In fact, that is the 4th time that I have sold that particular article (usage rights only.) The point is- if you write it, one day you will sell it. Articles don't always sell right away, but once you have a small collection of them, it won't bother you so much. Hopefully, you won't have to wait 3 years and neither will I for our next sale.
Don't let the "false sales" get to you. I have had at least 6 or 7 of my higher priced articles scooped up just recently and as many as 20 others in the not-so-distant past. How disappointing to discover that the sales were probably victims of the stolen credit card scenario! I keep saying to my family, "I wouldn't mind so much if they had been some of my less expensive articles." Truth is, it would still smart nearly as much. Instead, let the disappointment fuel you to write even more articles.
One word of advice that I can offer in addition to what others have said is to vary your article length and prices simply because there are customers with very large budgets and customers with small budgets. You want to have something to offer each of them. Certainly it is more rewarding to sell a high-priced article, but just the same, if I can fill someone's content needs with a short article, then so be it. I have bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Your articles do look like topics that will eventually sell. In fact, I remember being impressed with the topics of your initial articles, simply because those are areas that I tend to stay away from. Think of them as back stock for a rainy day and start some new ones. This time of year (January and February) has been painfuly slow- and for others and for me for the last three years. It is going to start to pick up and you'll want to be ready for it.
Good luck to you. And one final thought, I am impressed that Ed is impressed with your committment to writing. I value Ed's opinion as do many here. I believe that you are going to be successful here.
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:28 pm
by Word Gypsy
Congratulations on your sale! I recognized the title. You are on your way to a successful journey of excitement and growth. It isn't the amount of the sale- it is the sale itself. Relish this one victory and continue forward. WG
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:20 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I have to echo WG's words of inspiration here:
"I am impressed that Ed is impressed with your committment to writing. I value Ed's opinion as do many here. I believe that you are going to be successful here."
Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.
Nods from Ed are few and far between! Keep on writing! We're all here cheering you on.
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:48 am
by vjlenin
Hi Ed, celeste, grouchy, WG, thanks very much for your intuitive opinions. A great news for me : I got one usage license sold just a little while ago. really having a wonderful time. Now I have belief that I can taste great success here. Cheers!