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Need Some Backup

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:09 am
by Elizabeth Ann West
Okay, I THINK I did the right thing here, but just wanted to check with more experienced writers too.

I had a customer purchase a 450 word article, that took specific research to complete, so I wouldn't call it fluff. The customer offered a price lower than what I listed for a unique license, and bought the content for $10 as a unique license (with a good 2 day gap between offer an purchase). She then contacted me saying "Ooops, I didn't realize it was a by lined article, can I remove the by line?" :oops:

I declined, stating I never would have agreed to that price without the by line. I explained I was a business woman as much as I am a writer, and I hoped she understood my position.

Personally I am a bit suspicious, because I specifically sent a QA BEFORE I wrote the article she sent, on another article for her needs she also wants (all part of the same request), and gave an offer of a package deal as long as I am given a by line. Since she contacted me through the very same QA requesting to remove the byline she bought, I am surprised she now states she didn't "know." :shock:

I'm sure I have probably lost the customer, and now the other piece for her won't sell, but I feel like we have to all stand our ground somewhere.... right?


right choice

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:28 pm
by cbhrbooth
I agree with you. It may have been a misunderstanding on the customer's fault (she may have been dealing with several writers and didn't take the time to re-read your Q/A post), but there was an agreement, and she wanted to change it after the fact. If I had been in your heels, I would have fumed for [i]days[/i] if I sold the article for a lower price AND released the by-line.

You made the healthier choice. :wink: