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I'm a Newby Who Scan the Articles Section to Learn From It
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:09 pm
by rcashdan
I only wish there were something like a red askerisk or even a black asterisk marking articles that sell. Now that would be even more useful!
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:49 pm
by Celeste Stewart
The ones that have sold for full or unique rights are removed right away so you can't see them.
Those that sell for usage have a "number of downloads" listed showing how many times they have sold and been downloaded for usage rights -- meaning they are still available for sale even though previous customers bought rights for one time use.
So if you see an article listed on the site, it is available for sale and may or may not have sold for "usage" previously. Look for the total number of downloads and you'll see