Hi Writers,
We recognize there is a back log of articles up for review, and we are trying to get to each submission in a timely manner.
As sometimes happens, there has been a "surge" in the number of submissions. In addition, there have been public requests with calls for many articles. Both are good things, and I hope this is a harbinger of an upswing in sales for everyone.
Please understand that if something seems amiss, the error is not intentional. For example, sometimes the editors have to work end-to-end on the articles in the queue so we don't overlap each other - this sometimes results in articles being processed "out of order." We make every effort to process submissions in a manner that is fair to authors, but sometimes we make mistakes when we are trying to make sure that as many submissions get processed as is possible in a quality manner.
And, sometimes, we are simply tired, have run out of coffee, or are watching "The Biggest Loser." Har har - had you there. Don't worry; I don't watch TV while editing.
You can help us by making sure that your submission forms are filled out properly and entirely, placing your articles in the most appropriate categories, and by reading the blog/forum/help section when you have a question. If you can't find the answer to your question, by all means, ask! We would prefer you ask first rather than have to reject your article for a minor issue.
While sometimes it is not possible for the editors to address every single issue that appears in the forums, we will try . . . and thanks to our helpful community of writers, you may get your question answered before we even see it. (However, please note that the editors cannot solve support-type issues.)
Now that I've run on most un-eloquently, I'm going to do my darndest to get some of the pending articles up for sale.
Weee. Isn't this fun?
Review Times
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Review time
Thanks for letting us know Ed. I thought I had been lost in cyberspace, as it's never taken a week for an article to be approved. Mine is still sitting there waiting for someone to acknowledge it
I understand your pain and your workload. It just kind of stinks that our articles are taking a week or more to be approved when there are public requests for the topics. I guess there is no easy answer, but if you need an extra editor, let me know.
Thank you for your hard work. You are greatly appreciated!
All the Best,
I understand your pain and your workload. It just kind of stinks that our articles are taking a week or more to be approved when there are public requests for the topics. I guess there is no easy answer, but if you need an extra editor, let me know.
Thank you for your hard work. You are greatly appreciated!
All the Best,