Rejected Articles Now Retained in the System

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 406
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:35 am

Rejected Articles Now Retained in the System

Post by Constant »

Hey everyone,

I'm hoping this will be a popular site update. Articles that are rejected by the editors and require revisions are now retained in the system, so you no longer need to fill out the form anew and can just update the sections that need revision.

To find your rejected articles just visit your "My Content" section. You'll see rejected articles there with a status of "rejected'. You can then click on "edit", which will let you modify any aspect of your submission. When you're ready to resubmit the article just click on "resubmit article" and your article will be back in the review queue. Please note, when you click on "Upload new file" this will also resubmit your document, but you can still make changes to the form.

As always, please contact us at support if you have any questions or concerns about this change and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Location: Somewhere in Australia

Re: Rejected Articles Now Retained in the System

Post by Antonia »

Posts: 298
Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:34 pm

Re: Rejected Articles Now Retained in the System

Post by aprilk10 »

This is great! Thanks! I noticed that you have to upload a new document before making changes to the content excerpt though. That is, if you first make the changes in the excerpt, and then upload a new file (at the bottom), it changes your exerpt back to the original and you have to go back and redo it. I think it did this before if you edited an existing article. For those of us familiar with it, it isn't really an issue. It may make for alot of second rejections for new authors though who revise their articles accordingly but change the excerpt first (because it comes first on the submission page).
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Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:11 pm

Re: Rejected Articles Now Retained in the System

Post by paulasheri »

I was happy to see this change, but I'm concerned about the fact that my resubmitted (not resubmited!) articles no longer appear to be attached to the public requests they were originally submitted for. Now the public request is getting down to the wire and my articles are sitting waiting for re-review. :(