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Wow, what a month!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:01 am
by constant-content
We had record numbers for the month of September, way to go!! Over 1200 articles sold and October is also off to a good start.

You keep writing and we will keep finding people to buy your articles ;)

I Just wanted to say keep up the great work, many writers here have a following and this is exactly what I had in mind when making this site.[/list]

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:10 am
by Aariana Adams
CC is a fabulous concept. I really appreciate your professionalism - without it, the site becomes a different venture.

I enjoy being in the company of cc's writers. There's a lot of fine writing and great research going on here.

My thanks to our buyers, who keep coming back for more, and to cc for developing an program that works for everyone.

Now, if only I could write faster :!:

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:59 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Congrats to all! It's been a lot of fun. We have great customers and plenty of jobs to pick from! Thanks for letting us know we're breaking records, Chris.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:28 am
by Eliza Ferree
congrats to everyone!!

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:12 am
by Article Admin
I'd like to add my congratulations to all of the writers for doing such a great job. Keep up the great work!!! :D

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:59 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Let's not forget the editors and the behind-the-scenes guys! (Hey Ed: note the hyphens - am I doing it right? :lol: ) I know you've been swamped with submissions and you're getting articles approved left and right.

Here's to a phenomenal October!

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:02 am
by topdycke
I'm going to add my congratulations and thanks to all. I'm delighted to have stumbled across Constant-Content. I truly appreciate the input and responses I've received when I pose a question. Also, I love the grammar, puncuation micro-lessons. Thanks, Ed. I look forward to growing with the site. Keep up the good work, all!


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:40 am
by agossett
September was a great month for me, and October has been just as good. I can't even keep up with the requests anymore lol. It looks like we have a "following" now, so a lot of people are making more requests. Contrats to everyone for a job well done!

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:37 am
by J. A. Young
It has been inspiring--but it's always stressful for me. I worry when things don't sell. And when they do sell, I worry about replentishing my repertoire and worry that the customers will get their fill and things will quiet back down. Sometimes I think it's worry that fuels my drive. In any case, there is no ignoring the site's great customers. I can only hope they will keep shopping and more clients will come. :D --J.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:34 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Ha, JA, I know what you mean! It's a catch-22, if someone buys 'em all up, you have nothing left to sell!

I'm loving the action but enjoyed my first day in a long time where I allowed myself NOT to write. OK, I wrote one article for a request but my goal today was to spend some extra quality time with my four month old son and work in some novel writing time when he napped. OK, so I wrote. What kind of break is that? But I made a big breakthrough on my book and am newly inspired both on my book and with fresh ideas for CC clients! Plus I had a great time with the little guy.

Anyhow, it felt good to take a break, we all need it now and then.

But yeah, what a month! October rocked even better than September! Here's to whatever November has in store for us!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:28 pm
by J. A. Young
Celeste--I have no idea how you can write with a 4-month old. Either you have a great support system or a perfect baby. I have a toddler and finding time to write is my biggest challenge. My husband has come to the plate more--especially since this writing venture of mine is paying off, but it's still a struggle to balance work and family. But I love it. I just keep writing when I can about subjects of interest. We have some excellent clients and I hope we attract many more.

Here's to continued sales...Have a good weekend. --J

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:57 pm
by Celeste Stewart
It's tough, especially 'cuz my kids don't seem to nap! And I'm off of maternity leave and back to the grind (even though it's a part time work-at-home grind).

For me, toddlerhood was the hardest with my daughter. This infant thing is a snap in comparison. So I bow to you juggling a toddler and writing :)

I am definitely prioritizing CC and am really pleased with the current sitch! My husband is also more supportive now that he's seeing real benefits. (I think he has his eyes on a HDTV big screen plasma) Before he just thought I was addicted to the internet or something. Now at least my addiction is paying the bills....

Work and family balance is a huge trick with definite pitfalls all the way around. But for me, this is the perfect middle ground. This sort of career is awesome though - kids underfoot.... I love it!

PS - he is a perfect baby too!

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:16 pm
by beconrad
Allow me to add my voice to the growing chorus of praise for the staff, buyers and writers here at CC. The last two months have been great for me personally, and I have been thrilled with the results, and proud of what I have been able to achieve here.

I greatly appreciate all the hard work you have done to make this site a success, and I wish everyone here continued success.

Thanks to everyone and continued good luck.
