New Writer’s Guidelines
Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 4:03 pm
Before submitting your articles to Constant-Content, please read and abide by the following guidelines.
• All articles must be free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.
• If you wish to receive a byline, you must include your name in the article.
• If you are selling the article do not include a byline with links.
• Unless otherwise instructed by the client do not add any links to your article.
• A category must be chosen for your article. If you think the article should be placed in a subcategory, please suggest one.
• Word count must be specified.
• Price must be specified. If you are offering your article for free, please enter zero.
• A short summary must consist of an overall description of the article.
• A long summary is required. If you do not copy and paste a portion of your article into the long summary box, your work will be automatically rejected. The long summary should be about 1/3 of the article. The client needs to know exactly what you are offering. If you are offering your work for free, you must copy and paste the entire article into the long summary box.
• Follow the client’s instructions and write an article that is professionally formatted. If the client doesn’t specify a format, use the regular format for online content. This consists of single spaced lines, no indentations and a double space between paragraphs. Be professional. Do not use all caps in a title. The proper format for titles is upper and lower case letters. Example: The Power of Love
• Use your spell and grammar checker, but don’t depend on them to find every mistake. Sometimes they are wrong. Proofread and proofread again. If you have problems editing your own work, have someone proofread it for you.
• Be professional. When a client purchases and posts your work on their website, you want it to reflect your professionalism.
• Constant-Content does not accept self-promotional articles. All articles written to promote a website or product other than those requested by our clients will be immediately rejected.
• Plagiarism will not be tolerated. This will result in your work being rejected and you being banned from the Constant-Content website. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Please feel free to upload your articles using these guidelines. We look forward to working with you.
Note: Guidelines will be updated from time to time, as necessary.
• All articles must be free of grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.
• If you wish to receive a byline, you must include your name in the article.
• If you are selling the article do not include a byline with links.
• Unless otherwise instructed by the client do not add any links to your article.
• A category must be chosen for your article. If you think the article should be placed in a subcategory, please suggest one.
• Word count must be specified.
• Price must be specified. If you are offering your article for free, please enter zero.
• A short summary must consist of an overall description of the article.
• A long summary is required. If you do not copy and paste a portion of your article into the long summary box, your work will be automatically rejected. The long summary should be about 1/3 of the article. The client needs to know exactly what you are offering. If you are offering your work for free, you must copy and paste the entire article into the long summary box.
• Follow the client’s instructions and write an article that is professionally formatted. If the client doesn’t specify a format, use the regular format for online content. This consists of single spaced lines, no indentations and a double space between paragraphs. Be professional. Do not use all caps in a title. The proper format for titles is upper and lower case letters. Example: The Power of Love
• Use your spell and grammar checker, but don’t depend on them to find every mistake. Sometimes they are wrong. Proofread and proofread again. If you have problems editing your own work, have someone proofread it for you.
• Be professional. When a client purchases and posts your work on their website, you want it to reflect your professionalism.
• Constant-Content does not accept self-promotional articles. All articles written to promote a website or product other than those requested by our clients will be immediately rejected.
• Plagiarism will not be tolerated. This will result in your work being rejected and you being banned from the Constant-Content website. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Please feel free to upload your articles using these guidelines. We look forward to working with you.
Note: Guidelines will be updated from time to time, as necessary.