Some Reminders for More Efficient Rate of Acceptance
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:15 am
Hi Writers,
Please review the following reminders about what you can do to get your articles accepted at a more efficient rate:
1) Read and follow our guidelines. If you've been here awhile, review them again.
2) Do not include your long summary or content details in the document submitted. No one likes unnecessary scrolling.
3) If you choose to include your short summary in the submitted file, include it at the end, with an obvious heading. Or, if you include the short summary at the top your document, use the title of your article to separate the short summary from the body of the article so it is clear where your article actually begins.
4) We do not accept content with website addresses or links, including embedded links. Website addresses must be formatted without the http://www. Control +A followed by Control+Shift+F9 removes all hyperlinks.
5) Do not include autobiographical information, promotional language, or the first-person POV in the short summary. Limit the information in the short summary to the article itself. BE PROFESSIONAL. If you have something about yourself that you'd like to share, your author profile is the place to do so - NOT the short summary. More information about short summaries: ... 0summaries
6) Submit articles in a professional font with professional formatting. We accept 12pt TNR or Arial. Do not submit your article in 9pt Arial, 10pt Cambria, Garamond, Comic, or any other font. Articles must be able to be easily read once they are opened.
A full space MUST appear between paragraphs so it is clear where one ends and one begins.
7) Read the review email in its entirety. If your article was rejected for typos and the inclusion of links/web addresses, don't just fix the typos. Also remove the links/reformat the web addresses.
(<--LOL) Do not include information about the request in your submitted file. If the original requester does not purchase your article, the article will stay onsite for other potential customers, and this information is irrelevant to them.
9) Proofread your titles. Are all words spelled correctly in your title? Does your title require any punctuation? More information about titles: ... htm#titles
10) Closely following the guidelines and diligently proofreading your work increases the likelihood of your article being accepted on the first try.
Please review the following reminders about what you can do to get your articles accepted at a more efficient rate:
1) Read and follow our guidelines. If you've been here awhile, review them again.
2) Do not include your long summary or content details in the document submitted. No one likes unnecessary scrolling.
3) If you choose to include your short summary in the submitted file, include it at the end, with an obvious heading. Or, if you include the short summary at the top your document, use the title of your article to separate the short summary from the body of the article so it is clear where your article actually begins.
4) We do not accept content with website addresses or links, including embedded links. Website addresses must be formatted without the http://www. Control +A followed by Control+Shift+F9 removes all hyperlinks.
5) Do not include autobiographical information, promotional language, or the first-person POV in the short summary. Limit the information in the short summary to the article itself. BE PROFESSIONAL. If you have something about yourself that you'd like to share, your author profile is the place to do so - NOT the short summary. More information about short summaries: ... 0summaries
6) Submit articles in a professional font with professional formatting. We accept 12pt TNR or Arial. Do not submit your article in 9pt Arial, 10pt Cambria, Garamond, Comic, or any other font. Articles must be able to be easily read once they are opened.
A full space MUST appear between paragraphs so it is clear where one ends and one begins.
7) Read the review email in its entirety. If your article was rejected for typos and the inclusion of links/web addresses, don't just fix the typos. Also remove the links/reformat the web addresses.

9) Proofread your titles. Are all words spelled correctly in your title? Does your title require any punctuation? More information about titles: ... htm#titles
10) Closely following the guidelines and diligently proofreading your work increases the likelihood of your article being accepted on the first try.