Hello, everyone!

New writer to CC, introduce yourself here!

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:21 am

Hello, everyone!

Post by sanjaychak »

I live in India, where English is perhaps as widely spoken as in UK :). Well, at least in the metros !

Let me briefly introduce myself. Brought up on Victorian literature, in an era when TVs were just starting off, books have been my constant company and solace. I have written in my childhood, and got my first accolades in the fourth grade, when the English teacher brandished a piece of my writing in the class, calling it "Wonderful!" The reason was a phrase used by me, "...and the thief vanished into thin air..." I had been impressed by this phrase from a mystery book, and promptly reused it in an essay.

I have been a voracious reader all along, and that paid off in my profession, where good written and verbal communication is emphasised upon. But I have always felt the urge to write creatively, and with a purpose beyond what my profession demands. My dream is to have a book published containing my ideas on human existence and self-actualisation. It may or may not happen, we shall see.

Why Constant Content? I want to hone my writing skills, and measure myself on my efficacy. If I can earn good money from here, it means I can communicate well, and can then embark into book writing.

Hi to all the writers!

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi welcome!

I'm currently reading "Shantaram" which is set in Bombay. Fascinating! A very different world from suburban southern California where I am.
J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

Celeste--Shantarum is on my to-read list. I heard it may be transformed into a film starring the ever-watchable Johnny Depp. Who knows. Anyway--another lover of Victorian Lit. here. Welcome to CC. --JA
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

It's a good read so far, the writer is a little "flowery" at first but the story is really interesting. It's a big fat book - my favorite kind. But it's hard to find the time to squeeze in reading these days..... Luckily, nothing good is on TV, so I'm hoping to finish it by the end of this month!

Johny Depp would be awesome as the MC! Now, I'll read it with him in my mind :)