how do you submit images with articles?

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how do you submit images with articles?

Post by ardeth »

I just submitted an article on the Day of the Dead, for which I had two images I wanted to include, but I wasn't sure how you want that done. Do I include them within the doc file, or do I send them separately?
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Post by catnipp333 »

You can "add more fields" under "file" when submitting article OR you can have them included as part of your article to begin with. If your article is not approved yet you can still add them, but if its already accepted I dont think you can add them now to it???

Hope this helps some!

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adding images to article

Post by ardeth »

You can "add more fields" under "file" when submitting article OR you can have them included as part of your article to begin with. If your article is not approved yet you can still add them, but if its already accepted I dont think you can add them now to it??? >>

I did have them included in the file, but then I thought maybe that was wrong so I deleted them. Anyway, thanks. Maybe I'll try your other method, since it hasn't been accepted yet.

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Post by Ed »

Please make sure that any photos included are either your own, or that you have permission by the owner to use them, and that you include photo copyright info somewhere in the article.

Read the Constant Content Blog!
Cheryl McKenzie
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Picture Questions

Post by Cheryl McKenzie »

I'd like to add pictures to an article, but do you have a preference as to size and format? Most of the ones I'd like to use are around 70kb with a couple at 200+ kb. Also I can either use tables to control the position of the image or I can wrap the text.


Post by jak »

I'm so glad you have raised this. I didn't realise files could include pics and silly me has been wondering why my ticks to say I had pics didn't didn't result in anything different. My article in the art category really needs illustrating. I'll have to resubmit when I can get to it.

Meanwhile I'll be watching this space.
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Post by Ed »

Photos really don't help sell articles. Website owners either have a certain "look" that they are going for and will supply photos themselves, or aren't in the market for photo images.

Images rarely help an article command a higher price, unless photos are included as per a customer request.

Cheryl McKenzie
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Post by Cheryl McKenzie »

So, if you have pictures and feel they enhance the article (I'm specifically referring to my current project on a before and after theme.) is it better to simply check the "Images Available" and leave it at that? Or upload them and let the customer decide if they are worthwhile? It seems it's not a good idea to include them in the article and may even discourage a sale.
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Post by Ed »

I wouldn't click "images available," but would just include a note in the short summary that you have images if the purchaser is interested.
