Sales stalled

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Sales stalled

Post by weagle87 »

I know it is the nature of the beast, but I hate it when sales dry up around here. I CANNOT stand writing for textbroker, but one has to buy gas and groceries. I feel a little dirty when I write that junk.

The website is acting weird (this page for instance is very odd looking). I'm hoping that the stalled sales may have to do with a technical problem. Does anyone know?
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by JDWhang »

The new standing requests are giving me hope that there's a big order on the horizon. I've also noticed something weird going on with the forum. This page is displaying in Times New Roman font with no background. I'm assuming you're seeing the same thing as me.
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by weagle87 »

Yes, that's what I see. And I cannot edit my prices in my content. So that's why I was suspicious.

I hadn't noticed the change in standing requests. Perhaps I'll finish this little junky piece I'm working on then check that out :-)

Thanks so much for the tip!
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by Lysis »

The forum is acting weird yeah. Things are so so for me. Private clients here are doing well but open pool is so so.
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by tayalltheway »

I think the standing requests are a really good sign. I had a lot of old articles from some of those categories bought over the last week or so, all by the same client. Looks like they are going to hopefully become a regular :D
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by EFowler »

Yep, forum is weird for me too! Speaking of standing requests, this might be a silly question but hoping someone can answer it - is there any point 'submitting' an article to the standing orders in the way you can a public request?
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by Lysis »

This probably sounds stupid but I'm afraid to attach any article to a request that isn't private, because they are getting stuck for me. So, I'm just posting as normal.
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by weagle87 »

I don't know, Lysis. But I'm posting to the standing requests b/c my other articles are getting no traffic all of a sudden. Still hoping for a computer glitch. :-)

I think I'm going to try two more today, then go back to prostituting myself at textbroker even though it makes me grumpy. One needs to buy gas and sometimes groceries, you know. I'm beginning to wonder how long people can survive on grits.
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by Lysis »

>> I think I'm going to try two more today, then go back to prostituting
>> myself at textbroker even though it makes me grumpy.

Tell it, sister. I hate that place.

(I wish they would fix the broken forum makes me a sad panda)
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Re: Sales stalled

Post by weagle87 »

I wish they had a sad panda emoticon :-)
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