Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

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Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by Sbudsky »

Hi Everyone,

I signed up for Constant Content back in 2011, had 2 articles accepted, sold one, and then ended up putting freelance writing on hold for a few years. I've recently resurrected my profile here. I'm very happy to be back, but am finding things a little different from when I left and have a few questions I haven't been able to find the answers to on the site...

I've already had a new article accepted, but I notice that my author profile page is asking me to submit a 250 word short sample on a requested topic in order to "better match" me with clients. Is this a new requirement, or related to a new component of the site? (I had assumed my accepted articles could serve as samples of my writing..) I'm also noticing that I'm seeing far fewer items in the Requested Content section than in the past, so I'm wondering if this is in any way related. Is there now a different way that writers are matched to assignments?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by Lysis »

It's something new. I hadn't heard of it either until my bro-in-law mentioned it to me after signing up.

Work here is the same as always. Depends on the month. Some months are awesome. Some it's slower. Typical for any business.

It's still the same as always as for sales. It takes time to build up and that's the hard part yet it's the important part.

I think the only major change for requests is that clients seem to like to work with 1 writer one on one, which kinda makes sense. I still get the same people buying my articles, so you get "watched" by certain people. Kinda cool though. :)

It hasn't changed too much other than certain people stand out and make some private clients happy. The open pool still gets sales though.
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Re: Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by Sbudsky »

Hi Lysis,

Thanks for your response. I appreciate the info!

Do you know if the sample is required, and what role it plays in our work? Are we perhaps being rated as on Textbroker and other similar sites?
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Re: Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by Lysis »

The old writers weren't asked to write samples, but I could see where they might be trying to use them for the writing pools? Or to market certain writers?
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Re: Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by canywriter »


I am also a comeback writer after a gap of a couple of years, and the request for writing sample shows up on my account page also. I've had 34 articles sold the last time around - would that sample still be necessary?

Appreciate your views on this,

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Re: Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by Lysis »

They must have recently added it or it had a threshold for number of articles written. I came back after a year of not writing and had about 130 written. This was June last year.
Posts: 154
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Re: Author Profile Page Asking for Sample

Post by canywriter »

Thanks, will also check with Support on this.

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