Returned article - 3 months after purchase

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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by ReneeF »

UndercoverAngel wrote:I said I'd keep you all updated, and I will, but as of yet there are no updates. It's one week and five messages to support later, and I have not received one single response from Support. I would have thought they would have said something by now, even, "We're checking into it," but so far all I'm getting is silence.

I've sent in multiple messages to support in the past 6 months and zero reply. they must be drowning in work.
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by UndercoverAngel »

Hi Lysis,

I'm glad that you had a positive resolution. I haven't even received a response from them yet.

Them reselling the article doesn't work for me. It wouldn't benefit me in any way other than to bring me back from a negative balance, which I shouldn't have in the first place if they had followed their own policies, to a zero balance. That is not acceptable in my opinion. I'm sorry, but it's their mistake, not mine, and I shouldn't have to pay the price for their administration error.

Just to ensure that they have to repay me, I have deleted my articles and won't re-upload them until they attend to the matter. That way nothing can sell and bring me to a zero balance in the meantime. The only way I can be brought to a zero balance is if they fix the error that put me in a negative balance. They created a policy for their customers and they should abide by it.
Last edited by UndercoverAngel on Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by UndercoverAngel »

I've sent in multiple messages to support in the past 6 months and zero reply. they must be drowning in work.
At first I thought they were just ignoring me because of the issue. That is ridiculous. Is there no Support anymore?
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by Abbamay »

Hi Undercover Angel,

Is there any way you can go into your forum settings and register me as a friend so I can private message you please? I hope I can help you with your problem - I can't believe this is happening and you aren't getting responses.

Up to you, anyway!

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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by UndercoverAngel »

Hi Abba,

I think I did it right.
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by Abbamay »

Thanks. In my "user control panel" in my forum details I've selected 'allow users to send private messages', but when I click on your name there's nothing to allow me to send you anything? If you are happy to check that your settings allow PMs, then I'll try again. I've never yet found this system to work so I suppose it's just me!

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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by UndercoverAngel »

Hi Abba, I have it set to allow users to send me private messages too. I tried to click on your name to see if it would let me send you a private message and it won't let me do that either. When I click on your name, in the right hand panel is says stats on all of your posts, etc. In the left hand panel it says Contact Abbamay, and then there is nothing below it, it doesn't say private message or anything and where it says Contact is not clickable.
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by Abbamay »


Thanks for trying. Same problem here.

I have two other email addresses for contacting CC so why don't I send those editors this forum link? I'm worried that the contact form on the site isn't working or getting directly through to the editors, so this way they should hear about your problem so they can reply to you. Hope that's ok? Really wish this would work out for you soon.

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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by UndercoverAngel »

That would be great Abba. Thanks! I have contacted them twice using the contact form the site, once by replying to the email they sent me about the article being refunded, and twice through manually sending emails to Support. But yes, if you have other ways to contact them, that would be great. If they don't have access to all of the correspondence I've sent, could you also ask them if it would helpful if I copied and pasted it into here as a reference for them? Thanks so much Abba, I really appreciate all of your help.
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by Abbamay »

No problem. I hope it works. You've used a lot of different ways of contacting them already, which is great. We'll keep in touch and try again after the weekend if need be. :)
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by Abbamay »

Hi UndercoverAngel,

An editor received my message and the forum link today and advised me that your situation will be attended to, as the correspondence didn't get through initially. All the best! :D

Abba May
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by UndercoverAngel »

Hi Abba May,

Thank you so much. Thanks to your help, and the help of the wonderful editor you contacted who was willing to look into the situation on a Friday night, my issue has been resolved, and my account balance has been restored. I seriously can't thank you enough.
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Re: Returned article - 3 months after purchase

Post by Abbamay »

You're welcome. He is a wonderful editor! It's Saturday afternoon here so I didn't think we'd hear until next week. So so pleased for you. Have a great weekend.
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