Last week I received a bunch of counter-offers from the same customer. Or at least the offers all came from a customer with the same name. Anyway, I accepted all the offers hoping they would be picked up in time for today's scheduled payout. But all of them are still sitting. If you accept an offer does that mean other customers cannot see the articles? If that's the case and if the sales don't go through before we get paid I'm tempted to change my mind and refuse, because I don't want 8 or 10 of my articles tied up. Does anybody know?
For that matter, should we expect pay today? This is the first payout I have received since May, so I was wondering if payouts are still being delayed for things like holidays. I'm not expecting a lot of money so I guess I could wait until tomorrow if I had to.
Last edited by ChrisBlank on Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
When you accept an offer, it's still visible to the public unless the customer decides to add the article to his shopping cart. You'll know if they have been added when the status flips to "waiting."
I haven't allowed offers in a long time, but sometimes the customer throws offers and then buys other content and doesn't come back. It sucks. He might come back. He might not. If the price is acceptable to you, I'd leave it as accepted. He could come back in a week or two and buy them.
OK, thanks Lysis. That actually makes sense. None of the articles are "waiting" so I guess I will let the acceptances stand. I usually don't accept offers but these offers were OK (as opposed to one offer I received for $3 for a 1,000+ word article 0-o). I haven't been writing here since April due to a number of issues, mostly personal, so actually making money from some of my articles would be nice.