Thanks for the feedback, everyone! We've been working on this for a while now and are about to start testing this out to make sure it works better for everyone. We actually hadn't sent anyone to this new version yet, but I'm glad that you guys liked it after you found it It should be mostly functioning now so if you want to use it, please feel free to with the caveat that the odd thing might not look just right yet. If you have any feedback for us on it, that would also be a big help!
I love the new site except for one thing. I can't read the light gray -almost silver- text (R-102 G-102 B-102). On the project page and other pages, I have to copy and paste the text into notepad in order to read it...with my glasses on. Anyone with a vision problem is going to experience difficulties reading the pages. On the Landing page, the white text in the lower half is just a white blur to me. Other than that I think it is quite attractive, but I am hoping you don't take the old one down too soon.
Do you have a date yet for when you're going to be launching the new site? It looks great, fits in really nicely with the design trends and responsiveness over the last couple of years. It can only be good for our content sales - Good job.