I posted a photo August 22nd and it is still showing under review. I'm seeing posts about photos getting accepted and rejected, so I'm wondering if there is still some sort of backlog due to glitches.
It's only one photo, but I won't submit anything else until I know if this one is accepted or rejected. (Photo: Close-up of computer keyboard)
I still have 4 being reviewed myself from long ago. Some of the ones I put on at the same time went through last week, but 4 of them did not. I think they are still working out all the glitches.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one this has been happening too. I think I'll just wait and see how the work out the kinks before submitting any more.
Just wanted to report to anyone still waiting review on their photography. Five of my submitted photos from September 1 have been approved; two more from the 10th to go.
I have submitted some pictures(52 actually) recently and they are under review. The posts here however fill me with trepidation .
I just want to be assured on this account so that I do not breathlessly wait for the review and need not visit the site about a dozen times a day, as I am doing now, to know about their fate.
I notice that all the posts in this section are from 2007. I have 4 photos that I submitted @ June 08 and they still show under review. Please let me know if this is still a problem. I will wait before sending any more.