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gia addison
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:49 am
Location: UK


Post by gia addison »

All the articles i have submitted and re-submitted have been rejected for various reasons:
Sorry, we don\'t accept Word Perfect files.
Sorry, we don\'t accept Word Perfect files. Please submit in text format.
Sorry, please add useful information to this article
sorry, your article file was encrypted. Also we are not looking for articles of this type at present. Thanks

Help, why is it always doing this??
Article Admin
Posts: 724
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:49 pm

Post by Article Admin »


We do not accept Word Perfect files. Please upload in either Word or Text format. All articles that are uploaded in Word Perfect will be rejected. When I open them, there is nothing there but symbols and they are unreadable both to me and to our clients.

Please read the Writer's Guidelines carefully to assure that your articles aren't rejected. If you have any other questions about rejections, please ask them in the Rejection Forum. Thanks
Posts: 205
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:40 am
Location: Near Charleston, South Carolina

Post by LJade »

Gia, I know what you mean because I went through the same thing and this is what I did. I actually did submit from "wordperfect" but now I use "microsoft word" instead.

You know when you submit an article you click "browse", it opens the files on your computer and you choose the one you want and then click "upload". The page blinks and if you scroll down you'll see your file name has been uploaded but there's a new set of options under it that says "Change" you can submit in word, html, text, etc..

Before you finalize your submission, choose "word" and click "change", when the page blinks you'll see a green box over the top that says "Success", then finalize your submission and see what happens. That should do the trick.
Dorothy Edison
Posts: 97
Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:40 pm

Post by Dorothy Edison »

Lisa, thanks for that. That really cleared up some confusion on my part. I also submitted a WordPerfect file thinking that was "Word." So you're saying a Microsoft Word document will work? If I choose to include headers and footers (say, in the case of footnotes), will this preserve the integrity of the format? Also--will this enable me to properly use italics instead of just hoping that whoever purchases the article will forgive an *apparent* lack of proper emphasis in the case of book and movie titles (txt. documents are not friendly to this)?

Article Admin
Posts: 724
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:49 pm

Post by Article Admin »


MS Word is a perfect way to submit your articles. If you don't have it, please upload them as a text file. Thanks
Posts: 205
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:40 am
Location: Near Charleston, South Carolina

Post by LJade »

Yeah, I do all of my submissions with MS Word and hit the nail on the head with the "itlalics".