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Post by grouchy »

OK, gotcha.
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Post by grouchy »

:idea: What if we could fall back on a tried-and-true marketing method of the print world -- excerpts? It may need to be excerpts from the long summary (or maybe not?) - but what better way to showcase a writer's style &/or best work? The writers could choose from their work.

This in the spot where the "Authors I Recommend" is currently...
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Post by JD »

Is there enough space for excepts in that 'box', do you think? My preference would be to do away with that section altogether. Looking at the template, if the 'Featured Articles' section was moved up so that it was aligned with the author's photo, then the 'Authors I Recommend' section could be lost (easy for me to say, I know, I'm not the one having to re-design the page!).
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Post by JD »

Sorry, I'm talking complete rubbish here: that would only work if the author had no bio next to their photo. Scrap that idea then... :roll:
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Post by constant-content »

the idea was that many times customers ask writers for help with a project and as for recommendations for other writers. I see your point though maybe this is no a good feature. Maybe we could list skills or subjects here, then customers can search for writers based on what they list in subjects? The only issue is most of you can writer about anything so maybe this is not a good idea.
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Post by JD »

Thanks for the clarification, Constant. I still can't help thinking that this section is a little redundant. Our specialist subjects are, or can be, covered in the bio blurb (I think Audrabiance has listed the subjects she specailizes in in her bio). As for making recommendations, an author can do this in the email facility that's part of the request set-up.

Sorry if I sound negative about this - I'm really not! I've been thinking what can be highlighted in this section, but haven't had any Eureka moments yet. I'm wondering if less might be more on this occasion. Maybe others have suggestions...


Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Also, I can't update the bio's text. I want to add something but can't. Thanks.
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Post by JD »

Celeste, when I tried to revise my bio blurb, I found that I had to start from scratch: delete the content and choose to use the silhouette image (no photo); click out of that and then go back in and build your profile as if you were starting from scratch (I couldn't see a 'save' button for just making amendments).

I've given a bit of thought as to what could replace the 'Authors I Recommend' section and think that something along grouchy's suggestion might be worth considering... How about in the 'Authors I Recommend' space we pick one article (our 'best' one) and take an excerpt from that so it's highlighted in slightly bigger than normal font and placed in some nice-looking quote (speech) marks. Have the heading and then an except from the article (not necessarily a full sentence, maybe just a part of a sentence but something that the author thinks highlights the premise of the article), placed in nice big quote marks – similar to the way you see some articles presented in newspapers or magazines.

Just a thought. Oh, and credit to grouchy for that if it’s a hit (and if it's not, you know where you read it first :wink:).


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Post by grouchy »

JD -- You said it a lot better than I did! Thanks. Anyone out there listening?
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Post by constant-content »

yes... its still a work in progress. I'm not sure if I like that idea, but keep them coming.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

The only issue I have with excerpts is how do you keep up and remove an excerpt once an article has been sold for full rights?

Along those lines, what about allowing those who regularly work with us to post a blurb about us instead of the reccommended authors spot? For example, I have one private requester who has purchased a few articles from me, and that way he or she could post a "Elizabeth is efficient and has quality work." etc. That would probably help those of us somewhat new, and those even established who may not be in the Top Ten lists. It could even be made an option at check out for those purchasing articles.

Another issue I have is how do you select the articles you want featured? I have a couple "featured" that have been sold, so I can see how that could potentially be frustrating down the line for potential customers.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Hi Elizabeth,
You can change your featured articles by clicking the link below it. Allow the page to load completely and if prompted to continue letting the script run or abort it be sure to allow it to continue to run. Once it's fully loaded (it can take a long time if you have lots of articles), you can deselect articles that you don't want to appear.

I wish that there was a way to deselect all of them at once and then go in and pick the ones you want but right now there isn't. I had to manually deselect over 1600 sold articles - ugh. But that's life. It didn't take too long.

I like your idea about a customer comments area :)
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Post by JD »


I like the idea of a making the 'input' a feature at check-out when purchasing an article, because I think that's the only way some of us might get any sort of recommendation! (I'm speaking for myself here.) I don't have any sort of 'relationship' with a customer even though I've sold articles. However, I'm not too sure how well this would go down with the customers - would having to write a recommendation make the process that bit longer for them and as a result put them off....?

I image the excerpts working in the same way as the featured articles - an author can go in and change as necessary. It might be a way to highlight a particular article you think a customer might be interested in, especially if they've recently bought similar articles from you.

Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I agree we don't wnat ot make it too cumbersome for our customers. I even get annoyed when I shop online and then after I make a purchase, the website asks me to take a 5 minute survey. Like, you just got my dollar, and now you want my market research for free? HA!

But, that's evil corporate America. :) I was thinking more along the lines at check out a short little:

"Thank you for purchasing from Constant Content. Our authors are independent freelance writers who thrive on feedback. The author you purchased from today would truly appreciate it if you could give a sentence or two about your purchase. Thanks, and we at Constant Content look forward to serving your writing needs in the future."

Or, and this might be an even BETTER idea- use it as a follow up email a week to a few days after a purchase, which works two ways. It gives a chance for the purchaser to use the article and get feedback to give feedback. Plus, it would act as a reminder to purchasers to be repeat buyers!

Just thoughts. :)
J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

Cash speaks volumes. I'm not particularly interested in customer feedback or a recommendation necessarily. I think when a customer comes back and buys more I have the validation I'm after. If the customer has a problem--they may have recourse through the site, but I've never experienced this. Personally, I leave it to the stats to show a potential customer where I stand when it comes to sales. Newcomers might say--easy for you, but I've only been here about 2 years and I started with 0 sales once upon a time too. I just don't want to the see the simplicity of the site diluted with too many this or thats. Also, I may just need another cup of coffee to get my grouchy self through this Monday...
