Every year our little town has a hall-o-ween celebration on Main St. for everyone, it's safe and it's fun. Every year I usually 'make-up' my own costume (last year I was a witch) but this year when I told my hubby what I wanted to be he busted out laughin.
I don't think being a bag lady is a bad idea, we save all them plastic bags from the grocery store every week and we've got oodles of 'em. And it's cheap!
So, I've been trying to devise some kind of a belt-like or even velcro system and so far, no good. So, I may have to give up and be something else.
I'm sick of my own dilemma, so whatch'a gonna be?
I'd like to know!

PS. My hubby wanted me to dress up like a member of the group PCD (Pussy Cat Dolls) that sings " Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don'tcha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me... Don'tcha!" You can tell where his mind is!