Hi Ed, Celeste,
Thanks for accepting my articles. I have submitted the articles about email marketing and touch typing today, and got them accepted. In one of them, I submitted a pdf copy, but when it was accepted, the pdf wasn't there. Only text. Why has this happened so? I wish to provide the buyers with the pdf of the same text. I have prepared pdf copies of both of my new articles, can you help me update them?
Also, I believe, you should accept articles in more fonts than only Roman type. I think Verdana Ref is a really good font, can you make changes to accept some good looking and more readable fonts than Times New Roman, which looks dull in a Word document?
PDF Problem
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
I don't know why your PDF document disappeared. However, buyers do not prefer this format. Many ask that articles be submitted in doc or txt format.
The font in which you submitted your articles was unreadable. Please stick to Times New Roman, which is the commonly accepted professional font for most of the writing world.
The font in which you submitted your articles was unreadable. Please stick to Times New Roman, which is the commonly accepted professional font for most of the writing world.