Did we change the login requirements?

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Elizabeth Ann West
Posts: 561
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Did we change the login requirements?

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

For months now I have logged in with my Author's Name: Elizabeth Ann West, my password (not telling) and click the Author's circle and log in.

Early this morning, that quit working, and it wanted my email address, same pass word, and for me to click Author.

Now at the top of my screen it says Welcome, Joshslb@hotmail.com, instead of my author's name.

::Sniff, Sniff:: please say it isn't staying like this... I LIKED seeing my personal name at the top of the screen. It made me feel loved....

Post by jak »

I can't get logged in at all at present. Sent for a new password but my login still didn't work with that. So I've replied to the email from support, which was probably automatically generated because you are probably still sleeping over there.

It's very frustrating as I have a seemingly perfect article to offer on a new public request. But I'll just have to be patient.
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Post by constant-content »

Is this still the case?
Word Gypsy
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Post by Word Gypsy »

I can't log in either- no matter what I try. I haven't been able to stay logged in for weeks now, but at least I could get in. Argh, cc withdrawal!
Elizabeth Ann West
Posts: 561
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Location: Moncks Corner, SC

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

Yep, still the case for me. It won't take my Author's name at all to log in. I have to wait for that to fail, then put in my email address, let that fail so it says "Pick to login as an author or a customer" (when on the second attempt that wasn't even an option), then put in my email and password one last time click author and voila! I am signed in.

Post by jak »

Yes, Constant. I still can't log in.
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Post by dsletten »

I had a lot of trouble logging in today. I was fine yesterday and now it took 5 times to get in. I tried both my e-mail and my author name but the system didn't like either. :(

Post by jak »

I have now managed to log in and thought I should let Constant know here. After I read the last post I tried using my email address (which this idiot didn't think of doing before) and it let me in.
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Post by Ed »

I'm really sorry you're all having so many problems this morning. :(
Word Gypsy
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Post by Word Gypsy »

Thanks Ed. Funny how I can get into the forum, but not my account. Actually, it isn't funny at all. I wish it were the other way around since I have stuff sitting here for customers. Oh well, the day is young- in some places, anyway. WG
J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

Just chiming in...I can't log in either. Tried about 5 times and it keeps saying my login failed! JA
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Did you try your email address? That worked for me as it did some of the others. I assume you did but maybe you have a different email address linked with your account?
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Post by Ed »

I'll get those articles approved as soon as you managed to get them uploaded, if it's before the evening (I'll out after around 6pm, but I'll try to check in after I get back).

Word Gypsy
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Post by Word Gypsy »

Thanks Ed.
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Post by JD »

Hey, I managed to log in to the forum first time. :wink:

Yes, there certainly seems to be a problem with logging in to the main site - I am getting in but only on the third attempt (and then having to log in with full email address).
