April Aspirations

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Elizabeth Ann West
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April Aspirations

Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

Okay all, it's motiviation time again!

This month is April Aspirations.

I did not achieve ALL of my March goals, but I achieved more than I would have without any goals.

Here are my April Aspirations:

**Get one project awarded on a different site.

**Finish website (yes yes I know, but well it keeps growing!!!!)

**Make sure $1,000 worth of content is available on CC.

There, we will try again.... hopefully April is better than March for writing (maybe all the rainy days will help!!!)

Always Smiling,
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Lauren »

Here are mine!

*Post at least $500 worth of content on CC.

*Get back on track/up to date with my blog

I sure hope April's not too rainy though - we've had at least one rain shower every day for as long as I can remember now!
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Post by AThompson »

Okay, I'll play!

..Post two articles per week on CC

..Work on my novel at least 3 hours per day

..blog every day on my wordpress blog

..blog once a week on my Livejournal blog

..do something in my writing every week that frightens me - I have to be bolder and push out of my comfort zone!

Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

Oh boy, you're going to need a check list for that one!!! :)

Any other players?
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Post by kmd »

Hi guys! Your April aspirations sound quite ambitious. Good luck.

My big April goal is to sell something... anything.
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

Okay lovely and debonair fellow writers (hey, I know we have male writers here too, don't think they want to be lovely), I'm stepping on my stupid goals soap box.

Remember, goals must be measurable, and have a component of control over them. Not to pick on you KMD, but I'll use yours as an example because I have a feeling it's one we kinda all have :)

The end result is: I want to sell something.
The goals should be [i]how to get the end result[/i]

Here would be stronger goals:
*I will respond to at least 5 public requests for content.
*I will check the recently sold board regularly each week and use what has sold as an idea to write
*I will use Yahoo's Top Searches and write at least 5 pieces on 5 different Top Searches this month. (This is how I sold a $65 article on HD DVD in the blink of an eye)
*I will advertise my Author's page on C-C on my blog/Myspace/another professional website.

All of those activities, if done regularly should result in at least one sale. They don't have to ALL be your goals either, try just picking one this month if you are new to the goals thing. :)

The idea behind our goals is they are new good habits we want to form. This way, even if we fall short, we are still accomplishing something. My website is still not 100%, but it's gets better and better each time I work on it, and in February (before I had made the goal) I had nothing.

****Edit/Post Script I had to take an almost a 5 part seminar on "Goal Setting" so forgive me if it sounds preachy, but it's helped me in everything I attempt, and I am only trying to help because I was us all to succeed, otherwise there won't be a CC.
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Post by JD »


My goal for April is to beat the sales I had for March. I also had that goal for March (to beat Feb's sales) but missed it by about $20.

I am still not submitting as much as I'd like. My goal for a while now has been 15 articles a week. I think the best I've done is 11, but I'd like to hit that number every week.

Now that the website is up, I am going to steadyily work on that and build the blog, too.

I'm really positive about it all though. It beats working :wink:

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Post by vjlenin »

Good to see so many plans for April. Good luck everyone. I may not have too many plans for this month. Just get enough sales, and be able to beat sales of March. I need to have some rich content here, and have to also take a look at my blog, which is prospering gradually. I am not a person who sets too many goals. Sometimes, I may not be able to fulfill all. Particularly since some examinations are coming up and also some family functions, et., not sure how everything will turn out.

Yup, hoping for the best as all do.

Love Lenin
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Post by kmd »


I know my goal is a bit over-simplified, but I am trying to do this while caring for and educating my toddler at the same time.

I also have big issues with marketing. I am not great at self-promotion. Beyond that, I don't have an expansive resume.

I haven't had time to keep up with web trends. For the life of me, I can't figure out the purpose of a blog. When they first came out I thought they were just online diaries. Checking on the blogs here, it seems like blogs can be broken down into two categories: poorly developed opinions or brilliant short articles.

I don't know how to begin developing a web page without a resume to include. I don't know how to build a resume without marketing myself. It's a cycle I have fallen into and I have a difficult time plotting a way out.

I do check the requested content. I just submitted my first response to a request. I actually check the requests and the sold content about 30 times a day.

Thank you for the tip on Yahoo's top searches. I hadn't known about that and I can see that will help.

I should probably start another thread to get feedback on my issues.

Thanks for the info!
Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that you didn't know those things. It was meant as a good natured "picking" on your goal, because many people give the same one "I want to make more sales/money."

I was trying to make the point that simple goals, without any specific actions don't get done. Plus, I don't know about everyone else, I will never have a month where I say "My goal is to make less money/sales." :)

I am truly sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to, and I see how my previous post could be taken harshly. I'm so sorry. Plus, I didn't mean for you to take all of those goals, or even any of them. They were just examples of the difference between vague and specific actions.

I'm really glad you're a writer here, and everyone else too. I was just trying to help, but I will be extra careful in the future with my posts and how they could sound, even if it isn't how I meant them. :oops:
Last edited by Elizabeth Ann West on Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kmd »


No worries. I am not offended in the least.

Actually, you inspired me to overcome my fears and ask for answers in another thread.

Thank you for your thoughtful response.
Annie Flint
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I'm in...

Post by Annie Flint »

My CC goals are:

1. Post five short articles each week on any topic I choose
2. Post five short articles each week based on Yahoo searches

I'm not sure I can pull it off because I am busy with other projects, but I'll try. Here are my other projects:

Finish client projects
Finish book proposal
Start new screenplay

Thanks for the inspiration!
Annie Flint
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I'm in...

Post by Annie Flint »

My CC goals are:

1. Post five short articles each week on any topic I choose
2. Post five short articles each week based on Yahoo searches

I'm not sure I can pull it off because I am busy with other projects, but I'll try. Here are my other projects:

Finish client projects
Finish book proposal
Start new screenplay

Thanks for the inspiration!
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Post by mgwhitemti »

My goal for April regarding CC is to spend time writing some general articles to submit. I've been so busy with my other business projects & writing for private requests that I haven't submitted much here that is "for sale" over the past few months. The end result is that my inventory here is getting low. That is, of course, a great problem to have. However, I do want to build it back up. Nothing brings a smile to my face faster than an unexpected article sale!
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Post by CRDonovan »

Aargh! The PRESSURE!!

; )