Declaritive Sentences vs. Passive Ones? Need Help

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Declaritive Sentences vs. Passive Ones? Need Help

Post by Ed »

Hi Writers,

I seem to recall in this forum someone (EAW, I believe) talking about the importance of declarative sentences. I found the forum discussion about the importance of making the first sentences of an article declarative, but was there another one that discussed it in further detail? If not, thanks anyways, but if anyone knows of its existence, I could use it.

Elizabeth Ann West
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Post by Elizabeth Ann West »

I don't remember a post specifically urging against passive sentences, but feel free to use any and all of my post Ed for any resource you need. The advice about first sentences could really be used for all introductory sentences of new paragraphs, etc.
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Post by Ed »

Thanks, EAW. I had a submission that consisted only of passive sentences and thought maybe I could direct the author to the thread. Sometimes writers are more likely to check out what community members have to say on a topic than they are to check out an outside source.

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Post by SKetcham »

A declarative sentence can be either passive or active.

Active: Constant Content stole my money.
Passive: My money was stolen by Constant Content.

Both are declarative sentences.
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Post by Ed »

I thought we had the discussion and it was a part of the same conversation, or broken off from the one about first sentences.

I must have just had it with myself.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

We all know these things but it doesn't hurt to revisit them from time to time as it's easy to fall into passive voice. I believe that MS Word's grammar checker will show you a percentage of passive sentences.
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Post by SKetcham »

If I remember correctly, I was taught that passive sentences should be kept to 20% or less.

This does not apply to papers/articles where it is intentionally used more frequently, such as technical or scientific writing.

I am guilty of using it more often than I should :(

In scientific/medical documents (my background) passive voice is often preferred as it reduces the need to include pronouns and names, and creates the appearance of objectivity.

(I have used it several times in this reply ;) )
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Post by Ed »

Yep, there's certainly a time and place for passive sentences. For articles submitted to CC, 20% seems like a good goal.

It's always important to keep moderation and variation in mind.

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Post by vjlenin »

did CC steal your money, Sketcham?