My name is Kathy, and I am all shiny and new here. Just wrote my first article and it was accepted today, and that feels good. Probably not as good as selling it will, lol.
I am a stay at home mom of two girls under four and in my previous life I worked in financial trading, public affairs and risk management. I recently was a finalist in a "writing for children" competition and published a series of articles for a hobbist magazine.
I've been reading the forum boards and can't get oevr how helpful everyone is. You guys rock!
Welcome to CC! It sounds like you got off to a good start getting your first article accepted, I hope you find more success here as time goes on. I'm a stay at home mom of my 14-month-old girl, with a little boy on the way, so I really appreciate the quality of work found here and especially the quality of the administrators. Welcome!
LOL mattsterrr, you can't fool me. On top of my children, we also have three large dogs, two large (and loud) parrots, and quite a few reptiles about the place. I'll take kids over animals any day now that I've had experience with both.
I want an Iguana but my other half is from South Africa and she got attacked by one when she was a baby. It fell through the roof and tried to drag her off. In the end the German Shep they had chased the Iguana off and was found dead later in the day. So, to the moral of my story, no reptilian creatures for me.
Yikes Mattsterr!! now that is scary - I didn't realize that iguanas could get that big... and no I'm not swapping my kids (even if I ahve nicknamed them the tiny terrorists!)