At last I did it

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed

Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
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Location: California

Post by Celeste Stewart »

No I don't advertise though I did recently create a website. Most of my success here has been through relationship building with customers who have liked my work enough to ask me to do more.

There are numerous strategies to make it work but you do have to be committed to regularly submitting articles to the system. For example, is CC your homepage? It's mine. Kind of silly, I know but it keeps me focused. This is my "job" so to speak so it makes sense to me to come here several times per day.

I recently wrote an eBook outlining my tips for success. I used to give them away for free but now they're $9.95 :) (shameless plug). Anyhow, my best advice is to answer requests and commit to writing a certain amount of articles each week. It doesn't matter if it's one article a week or thirty, so long as you set a goal, you can reach it. If you don't, you won't know where you're going.
Angie H
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:19 am
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Post by Angie H »

Thanks Celeste,

I always aim for a certain number of articles each week. but I find that I often get overloaded with "last minute" projects that seem to take more time than they should.

Take today for example, after dealing with a leaking toilet and a sudden case of chicken pox, I finally sat down to work on a simple rewrite project. I then noticed some incorrect information and the next thing you know, two hours has gone by researching and communicating for the client, and I still have four more articles to go.

I do find that I check this site (and 6 others) several times each day. I find that the public requests often leave me out simply because I don't know much about the subject or the writing style. I'm learning SEO press releases and blogging right now, so I'm sure things will start to pick up.

Is your site listed here somewhere? I'd love to take a look! Mine is really basic, but I'm waiting to see if it works effectively before I decide to spend money on it.

Ok, so here is my goals for the month. (maybe if I make it public, I'll be more likely to actually get there lol)

1. Add no less than 3 articles to CC each week....
2. I will answer all of the public requests possible (with the exception of technical ones of which I am basically illiterate.
3. I WILL make no less than $600 this month (just to prove to hubby I can do it lol)
4. I will not spend more than two hours on an article of less than 1000 words.
5. I will figure out how to manage my time better.

Thanks Celeste!
Angie H
Posts: 107
Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:19 am
Location: Saskatchewan

Post by Angie H »

Never mind about the website....all I have to say is "DUH" lol I just reinforced the fact that I know nothing about this stuff

forgive me lol
Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:28 pm
Location: California

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Ha! Love it! It took my hubby ages to realize that this writing thing was real. Now, he's my biggest fan :) (Not that he actually has ever read anything I've written but he's pulling for me nonetheless).

Those are all excellent goals! Soon you'll have more ideas than you'll know what to do with.
Posts: 175
Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:40 am
Location: India

Post by vjlenin »

Hi Angie,

In fact, I had a motto of writing at least 3 articles per day here, but that is not happening at all. My plan was to write one blogpost in my main blog and write three articles in CC. But the trouble is I cannot do my research and rewrite in one or two hours for an article. It is extremely difficult. If I try and finish my article in two hours, unlike yours, it will have too many errors. My eyes are really small when it comes to finding errors. Some minor mistakes and all! what to say, so I can't put content here regularly, also, something that doesnt interest me at all is this editing thing. I can write, but editing is an uncreative way to do.... lol I can hear Ed rumbling. If any one can suggest ways to make editing easier and interesting, I will follow. This is Celeste's website,
Celeste, good work on your website, hope you are getting projects from there too. Is there any secret you don mind sharing about that editing thing. I will make it a separate new topic now.