So, is it ok to make stuff up?

A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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K.M. Forsyth
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Post by K.M. Forsyth »

Lisa, I guess your husband CAN put a price on a clear conscience... LOL :lol:

My feeling was that I was misleading someone else. It was fiction, disguised as news, and I didn't want to do that. I know that others will, and that is their choice. I am going to write stuff that I feel good about being "out there" if I can't feel good about it then I won't submit it.

And since you have an allergy to guilt... We will probably be sitting at the same table at the coffee shop!
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Post by mattsterrr »

Feeding the kids = greed.
War = murder.
K.M. Forsyth
Posts: 32
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Post by K.M. Forsyth »

oh dear... I never meant to stir up a hornets nest with this one honest...

maybe I should hide under the table until this thread dies of old age! :wink:
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Post by mattsterrr »

Not at all, my point is simply that if you didn't know the purpose of the request there wouldn't be a problem. I admit the analogy may have been a little strong, but when all is said and done writing for people makes us service providers.

I'm comparatively lacking in scruples when compared to many people and as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, physically or mentally, I don't see a problem.

I do understand why others may feel differently, but the article will be written by someone and it will be used. By writing it yourself, it simply means you get the credit for it (if you want the credit).
Dorothy Edison
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Post by Dorothy Edison »


Your tone has often been one of sarcastic authority. You just happened to address it to me this time. I don't appreciate it.

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Post by malward »


I am the one who sold the article for $70. I just consider it as having fulfilled a request. :)
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Post by mattsterrr »

Oh well, I'll just go and cry myself to sleep.
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Post by Lizaj »

Yay! I'm happy for you. I read it, by the way, and it was good (obviously, someone paid $70 for it). :)

I didn't think it was wrong in general...just wrong for me. One of those "just didn't feel right" things.

Kathleen, I'll be happy to share a table with ya. :lol:

You guys are a hoot. Aren't we lucky to get paid for having so much fun?
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Post by LJade »

Ok, I read over some of this thread and I guess someone believes a request wasn't very least that's what I gather.

Being the nut that I am...I have to add my two cents!

Personally, I love cash. I wouldn't sell my soul to the devil but if I thought I could trick him for some cash...I would try. I've written all kinds of stuff!

I've made up plenty of things and I think Matt said he had a job posting...talking to himself. LOL-I've done those too.

The fact is, I've also had jobs in my life and I had to do some things that I didn't want to do yet at the same time if I didn't do them...I didn't get a paycheck either.

I have kids to provide for, my morals went out the window right after baby number 3!

Don't get me wrong, I do have a the topic is really something that I don't want my name on...I'll still ghostwrite it! I did write an e-book about the sexual practices of women, lesbian women that is. Most straight women wouldn't have touched that with a ten foot pole but I did. I had lots of plans with that $600.

Plus I walked away with a better understanding of just what lesbians do in the sack.

Anyway, I think people hold onto morals until necessity takes over. "Ya do what you gotta do", and that's my story.

LJ :!:
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Post by malward »


Actually it wasn't anything at all. It was just writing a fictional story to advertise for one of our requesters websites. I had a lot of fun writing the story and enjoyed doing it.
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Post by REason »

K.M. Forsyth wrote:
My feeling was that I was misleading someone else. It was fiction, disguised as news, and I didn't want to do that.
I too had the same feelings years ago, until I realized that it wasn't "news", it was marketing. The difference between the two is that one is data about a current event and one is marketing data. I use the word data because if you ever noticed that on the news they sometimes report data not necessarily facts.

Years ago (back in 2000) when I faced the very same dilemma, I actually did some research on it. I didn't want to do anything illegal or even unethical. I went to the FTC web site to see if it violated any trade commission regulations. It did not. To sum up my research.....The key word is opinions. Opinions are neither true nor false, they are just data.

I encourage everyone who feels uncomfortable with writing marketing topics to do research on it; since I am US based, I use as they regulate industry standards as well as advertising specifics for some trades. You can then gain additional information and make an informed decision. I believe that our feelings are based on our own interpretations and our own definitions. In my case I needed to clarify my definition on news.

Apologies for the long post, but I wanted to describe my personal experience. I also hope that I helped at least a little. When I asked for help during my dilemma I didn't get any answers from my co-workers that suited me.
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Post by LJade »

Hi Mary!

I just saw where you said it was just filling a request...I totally agree. I'll have to send you a PM, I just dropped off my film lastnight so hopefully I'll have some pics by the first of next week.


PS. Good explanation Reason.