Just a plain old request for an update

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:28 pm
Location: California

Post by Celeste Stewart »

The other day I was researching a topic using "advanced search" of Google and it's a cool way to come up with ideas.

Take a topic, any topic, (it can be vague) and search Google using the Advanced Search link. Now, restrict your search to .org or .gov sites. You will get all kinds of credible sources and numerous different potenial angles that you might use on your topic - plus, you'll have a bunch of resources already to go for your research.

You'll find info about diseases, environmental concerns, laws, and all kinds of sub-topics that you might never have thought of on your own.