Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

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Dr. Kristie
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Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Dr. Kristie »

Hi everyone! I'm feeling a little discouraged. Last month I had one of my best months ever in sales.
This month sales are only about a quarter of what they were. Is this generally a slow time of year?
Thanks for your input. :-)

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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by JD »


Hi. Yes, the same seems to have happened to me. Last month wasn't very good, and it looks as though this month won't be, either. I have had a nice boost today as a customer has bought a load of London articles, some of which are mine. But apart from that, things aren't moving. I too find it disheartening. It affects how much I submit, which, at the moment, is very little. I know that you've got to be 'in to win', so to speak, but I have a big catalogue here and I'm not too sure I want to just add to it, which is how it feels at the moment. Although, I have to admit, that now I have my work permit to work, writing at CC won't take the same prominence it has taken for the last year or so. It seems that people are still selling here though - so hats off to them!

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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Ed »

It's summertime. The internet takes less prominence because people are outside or taking vacations and not driven to occupy themselves indoors at their computers. Customers are also probably doing other things when their sites permit them the flexibility to relax when the weather is fine and realize it's okay because readership is currently down.

Edited to add: The good news is that internet revenue does not show signs of slacking, so anyone who is seeing a downturn in sales may be able to recoup losses once cold weather hits!

J. A. Young
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by J. A. Young »

Although I haven't been here as long as some, my experience has been filled with plenty of ups and downs. During down times when I'm struggling to write something "sellable," I try to round out my catalog by writing for a few different categories to test the waters. Things always seem to pick back up at some point or another, but it can be discouraging when you hit the dry spells. I may begin writing for fall just as a way of looking ahead. Hopefully sales will pick up soon! JA
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

LIke us, customers have graduations to attend, kids to entertain, vacations, visitors, and all the distractions of summer...

I've learned to enjoy the slow times because they are few and they do end.
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by jstevewhite »

I sure hope you're right, Celeste. I'll never pay for that new camera this way! :D
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

As freelancers, it's hard to get used to the ups and downs. I still get anxious when sales drop off even though I know better. But I also try to approach each slowdown as an opportunity to finally finish that darned novel or write about something that I've been meaning to write about but haven't had the chance because I've been so busy. Or better yet, just play with my kids and have some fun.

Dr. Kristie, you're doing awesome from what I can tell and I see you've been getting private requests lately. I'm sure you have even more record months in store. In the meantime, while you're waiting for things to pick up, why not keep on doing what you've been doing as well as branch out and pick something completely different to challenge yourself - and see what might happen? Whether it's writing with premium content in mind or picking a request/topic you might not have considered before is up to you. But it could be fun...
Dr. Kristie
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Dr. Kristie »

Celeste, thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I really appreciate that. :-) I'm going to take your advice and try something new. Thanks for your awesome suggestion.

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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by jstevewhite »

So how was it that you came to start getting private requests? (that's to Celeste and anyone else that feels like answering) Was it the result of someone purchasing your content, then asking you for more?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yes. Customers don't usually randomly pick someone. All of mine have originated from public requests or from customers who purchased a few of my articles and liked my style enough to ask me to do more.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

How are you doing on your new angle, Dr. K? I'm dying to try something new myself - just having trouble juggling it all. I'm still working on Ed's famous New Year's Resolution list - and here it is almost July.

Anyone up for a mini-challenge? Maybe not necessarily tackle a major goal as summer's just way too hectic for that. But maybe a mini goal to get us through summer?

I'll start. Here's my Mid-Year's Resolution: I will proofread. I will proofread. I will proofread.
Dr. Kristie
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Dr. Kristie »

Hi Celeste! Good suggestion. My goal is to write more unique articles to sell on C.C. Previously, most of my articles have been for usage only. I'm going to try to do at least two per week. I'm also considering trying my hand at writing an ebook. I just need to select a topic. I want to write about everything! It's always good to try something new. You've inspired me, Celeste. :-)

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I've been impressed with your ability to crank out the usage articles successfully. You're really the first one to do that here. Looking forward to seeing you break other barriers as well. I'm like you - I like to write about everything! It's fun and every day is different.

Hmmn, with all of your usage articles, you may be able to put together a comprehensive e-book fairly easily with a few modifications. You have a bunch of jewelry selling articles if I recall. Maybe an ebook on starting your own home based jewelry business? Or supplementing your income with a jewelry side business... I'm sure you have dozens of ideas floating around already.
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by jstevewhite »

Celeste - I'm always amazed at your ability to keep tabs on what people are doing. Anytime someone posts in the forums, you seem to know what they've been doing from a writing perspective on CC. Amazing.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Sudden drop off in sales. Anyone else?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I'm a virtual busy body! LOL. Actually, I make it a point to check out the recent articles posted and sold each day. So, after enough time goes by, I start to recognize who's who.