Illustrations Sold Yet No Payment Received :(

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Illustrations Sold Yet No Payment Received :(

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Hello. Can anyone please tell me what the standard turnaround time would be for 'technical issues' with regards to linking licenses to illustrations? I have already contacted customer service, because my profile indicated that I had sold two 'full-rights' licenses, yet, there was no payment added to my account, nor was anything listed as being sold within my content. CS informed me that I had indeed sold two illustrations, however, they were having difficulties with the licenses. This was two days ago.

Both images are still appearing as though they could be purchased, under illustrations.

Forgive my ignorance....I'm new to CC, and therefore, I'm still puttering around trying to learn the ins and outs.

On another track, how long does it usually take to review illustrations? I uploaded two more on 7/14, and they are still being reviewed? Is this normal for illustrations? Is there any way to speed up the review process, from my side, or is it just a first-come/first reviewed situation?

Thanks for your answers, in advance!
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Re: Illustrations Sold Yet No Payment Received :(

Post by jak »

The payment issue is probably that the payment hasn't cleared properly. It may or may not be resolved. Just occasionally people try to buy fraudulently. If this is the case, your items will remain for sale and you won't get paid. It happened to me once over an article.

I understand that it takes quite a lot longer to review photos and illustrations than articles, but that the site owner is working to speed this up.
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Re: Illustrations Sold Yet No Payment Received :(

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Thanks, jak.

Posts: 406
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:35 am

Re: Illustrations Sold Yet No Payment Received :(

Post by Constant »

Anyone with problems regarding sold illustrations, pictures or movies, should contact support. Its not that the amount owing isn't recorded, its simply a problem of where it is being recorded. We are working through this problem right now and will be keeping everyone updated. When we find problems it is easy to simply adjust the amount owed to the writer.