Can't log in as author

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Posts: 242
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:48 pm

Can't log in as author

Post by Lor »

I can't seem to log in as "author", yet I know I'm registered as one. Sent an email last night, but no response yet. Any ideas?

Posts: 406
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:35 am

Re: Can't log in as author

Post by Constant »

Hi Lorraine-
You must have spam filters on a high setting as I did respond to your email. Your email is not registered to any account in our system so either the registration didn't complete or you are using a different email address associated with your account than the one you are emailing us with. If you have registered please make sure that you have clicked the confirmation link in the confirmation email that you were sent. If this is not the problem, please email and let me know what is exactly happening.
Posts: 242
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:48 pm

Re: Can't log in as author

Post by Lor »

Okay, I think (and I'm not sure) I registered via the forum. I don't recall registering as either buyer or writer (it's been a few days), but this only allows me forum access even after I confirmed. I tried signing in with this id as author, but to no avail. Sooo, without waiting for you, I registered again, using the same email etc., only this time I registered in the site proper. I am registered, confirmed and am now able to log in as author under the name "rain". I prefer only one id, that of "rain" now, as I've already submitted some things for review. If it's possible to rid myself of "lor", I'll happily do it. But I do need the forums. Should I just keep it status quo?

Lor (alias "rain")