Most times you've sold an article?

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Posts: 47
Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:58 am

Most times you've sold an article?

Post by airwolfe777 »

Can anyone give me some input on what is the most times you have sold one article to different buyers for usage? Are we talking 2 times? 20? Celeste? Ed? (By the way, thank you both for your input! At least someone is answering my questions!)

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Re: Most times you've sold an article?

Post by Sarah81 »

I sold one article's usage rights three times. Most of the rest have been sold once so far.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Most times you've sold an article?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

So far, one article of mine has sold six times for $26 each time and another one has sold four times for $20. Both have just barely equalled out to my full rights price but now, if they ever sell again, it will icing on the cake. I'm not a good example of usage sales though as I don't really pursue that option. Many of the others are more successful with usage and will hopefully chime in.