Editing Asking Price

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Posts: 37
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Editing Asking Price

Post by Mickeylayne »

Hi there! Being a newbie, I placed a erroneously high usage fee on my illustration. Where do I go to edit (change, lower!) the fee? I looked around but couldn't figure it out. Also, the image I have for use is very skewed---sort of "squished." The dragonfly, also, has a great deal of detail that's not obvious from the image viewable by customers. Was I supposed to scan it in a different resolution and save in a different format? Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Editing Asking Price

Post by DSWaltenburg »

[quote="Mickeylayne"]Hi there! Being a newbie, I placed a erroneously high usage fee on my illustration. Where do I go to edit (change, lower!) the fee? I looked around but couldn't figure it out. Also, the image I have for use is very skewed---sort of "squished." The dragonfly, also, has a great deal of detail that's not obvious from the image viewable by customers. Was I supposed to scan it in a different resolution and save in a different format? Any help would be appreciated.[/quote]

You click on "Your Content" from the menu on the left, under Author Login (if you're on your profile page). When this page loads, click on the Your Illustrations at the top in the red bar, and it will take you to the list of your illustrations. From there, choose which one you want to change, and click the Edit button. When you make your changes, then click on the Save Changes button at the bottom, and it will show "Details Edited" back at the top of the screen.

As for the picture looking skewed, I believe that CC does that in order to prevent theft, however, I'm not 100% certain on that. Also, if you click on the 'read more' link on the list, it does show a bigger size of the same image. This notice appears under all images "This is a low resolution illustration only for preview ", so customers know that they're not buying some skewed img.

Hope that was semi-useful info. :)

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:30 pm

Re: Editing Asking Price/Reply

Post by Mickeylayne »

Thanks, Deborah, for the help. Yes! It was very useful! I guess there's nothing I can do about the image. I can fully understand why CC only allows a low res image for the customer---to avoid theft. I appreciate their concern for all of us in that respect, it proves they care. I just wish there was some way to present the artwork in the BEST possible light without the fear of theft. The only way I can think of to do that is with a watermark. It would be great if the customer could have a much larger view of the artwork, but always WITH a watermark---a big "CC" right in the middle. I'm going to submit another piece today, saved as a JPEG in "Paint." Maybe it will apear better.
Thanks, and blessings on your day!
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Re: Editing Asking Price

Post by Ed »

The illustration section is still in the works as the main core of the site gets renovated. We know it needs updates for it to be more user-friendly for both artists and customers. Unfortunately, I can't give you any sort of idea when these issues will be addressed.

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:30 pm

Re: Editing Asking Price/reply

Post by Mickeylayne »

Thanks, Ed. I'm new, but I can realize that you guys are doing your best to make everything great, and there's just so many hours in a day. It will all work out eventually.

I included a blurb on my illustrations, reassuring any potential customers that the images aren't skewed in the originals. Just FYI....you never know who may NOT realize that! I'm a handcrafter and I sell my wares, and you can't believe (well, maybe you can!) what does NOT dawn on people. Has your staff considered a watermark for art? The client could zoom the image and not copy. Or is that something that has to be applied by us, as the artists? Forgive me...I don't mean to add to any worthless/useless/"can't-do" lists. Just thoughts........

BTW.there was a post this morning by the author "airwolfe777." I read what he'd written, moved a page, returned, and the post had vanished. Don't know what happened there, but anyhow....he said that he had submitted 5 articles, they were for sale, but he had not made any sales yet. Again, I'm new to this; I've only submitted 2 articles and both are still in review. However, I'm going to assume that in order to begin selling you need quite a few articles out there "viewable." I mean, through sheer VOLUME you will begin to sell. But by only having a few articles visible, the odds are not really in your favor. I assume, also, that time is another factor. Through time, people begin to realize you're there and available and you have articles to sell. Patience, my friend. Good things come with time.

Then again, mybe I'm blowing smoke. (Got THAT from talking to my Granddaddy!)