5 Reasons you Should View this Thread

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Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:58 am

5 Reasons you Should View this Thread

Post by airwolfe777 »

What do you guys think of the "7 Reasons you should blah blah" or "5 Steps to blah blah" articles?

For some reason I realize that I love writing these type of articles. Are they more or less marketable than a typical article with regular paragraphs? Have any of you have luck with these type of articles? Any pointers or advice that I should consider when writing these? They seem so easy to write.

Just wondering...

Posts: 45
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:37 pm

Re: 5 Reasons you Should View this Thread

Post by beconrad »

I know I have seen those types of articles sell fairly frequently, so I think well written article of that type should be fairly marketable. In fact there was a recent request about how the iPhone can be used in education - I believe the buyer suggested doing a "top 10" list or something like that. You may want to check that request out - I don't think it's been filled yet.
