Author's name not on the author's list?

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Author's name not on the author's list?

Post by cgardener »

I was looking for an author's name to see if they have anything submitted, and it isn't there. Is the list of authors only those who have something for sale right now, or what?

Just wondering, because my name wasn't on there until I made a sale.
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Re: Author's name not on the author's list?

Post by DSWaltenburg »

I'm not sure what it takes to get on the list, but I wasn't on it until I made my first Full Rights sale.....

So, if you're looking for someone's stuff and they aren't on there, if you know perhaps what topic they've written about, you can do an article search....or a Recently Sold browse, and make sure their pen name is the same as their Forum name. :)
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Re: Author's name not on the author's list?

Post by ShawnaMarie »

I had the same question and was diligently searching for an answer in the forums before bugging anyone as per the instruction in another forum post :).

My name is not on the list either. I have sold 2 Full Rights articles, and I have been a member more than 2 months. I did not have any other articles for sale, but I just submitted a few more now that I actually sold something!!! (Very excited about that ...never made money for my writing before!!!).

Trust me ...I love the website and am NOT complaining ...but I would really really like to "see my name in lights" as an official author on the list.

Is there some sort of secret right of passage we have to go through to "make the list??"

Eager to Please ....Shawna Marie
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Author's name not on the author's list?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Technically, a writer needs five full rights sales under their name to make the list though sometimes I see writers that have somehow been listed beforehand. Congrats on the sales! You'll be on it soon enough. It is kind of like a right of passage :)
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Re: Author's name not on the author's list?

Post by ShawnaMarie »

Thanks for the mystery solution, Celeste. I shall hop on the keyboard and "earn my ranking."

Shawna Marie