200 word articles?

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200 word articles?

Post by airwolfe777 »

I've noticed that one of the top authors is amazing. Her name is beconrad and she churns out articles at an amazing rate. She had over 30 articles waiting to be reviewed. I viewed a few of her articles and noticed that a large percentage are 150 - 300 word articles. I was wondering if other authors out there have noticed a need for articles of such short length? I have been trying to write articles that reach 500 - 600 words. I just wanted to get some input on what length articles sell most often. Any input would be appreciated...

Celeste Stewart
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Re: 200 word articles?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

One of the public requests specifically asks for 100-200-word computer related articles (though he is also open to longer, more in-depth ones as well) so I suspect that's part of the latest batch that B is targeting. No doubt, bconrad is a machine :) I'm sure she'll chime in, Michael, that's just my take on what you may be seeing. She can clarify for you.

In general, it really all depends on who you're writing for. For example, I just wrote a single paragraph for a client that came in around a hundred words and regularly do product descriptions in the 100-200 word range. It just depends on what a given customer at the time wants. Likewise, I'm also on page 103 (and counting) for another customer - so it varies vastly. I remember doing a postcard for another client - TWO WORDS.
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Re: 200 word articles?

Post by Lor »

Celeste, I don't think MJ is talking about the 30 in review. He won't be able to view those or know how many words there are in them. He's likely had a boo at her complete portfolio. Sorry, I'm speaking for you MJ, but I'm an early riser. :)

If it works for some, mj, it can certainly work for others, don't you think? Maybe "we" can try a few. :)

I've had a good snoop around over the weekend and learned a few things myself. There are about 15,000 articles in CC's data bank. (This doesn't include blogs, reviews etc. ) I looked at my niche subjects and the numbers there aren't that high, so it gave me a good sense of what I need to do to compete and it is a kind of competition. You do need to stand out. Naturally the more articles one has on tap, the better one's chances of selling. (Poor Ed. He doesn't know what he's in for. :) It is apparent, those writers who are the most prolific with high numbers of entries, are also those with the highest sales, except for one name change in the group. Plus, they've been here since early days, so they've had a good head start.

I'm off to write 15,000 articles today. LOL Actually, I'm a very slow writer as I have other writing projects, but I can manage a few on good days. I wrote a huge list of titles over the weekend. With titles, you get buzzed.
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Re: 200 word articles?

Post by Lor »

103 pages and counting? Good Gawd! Is it an ebook? Are you ghosting? Ouch!

Celeste Stewart
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Re: 200 word articles?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I had peeked at bconrad's offerings to see what MJwolfe was referring to before voicing my thoughts. It was obvious to me that her recent batch of short 200 word articles were written for the public request. I can't see the 30 in review either :)
Posts: 242
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Re: 200 word articles?

Post by Lor »

Ah. A misread on my part. Thank you for responding to that. :)
