Article missing ???????????

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Article missing ???????????

Post by jayanti »

Dear Sir,

I had recived one public request for some aquirium articles. I had posted it on CC 2 days before.Now i find it is not showing as posted. 0 submission of artice that is the message been show. If my article is rejected than i should get email saying so with reasons of rejection.

2nd when we receive public request for say 50 articles , and mean time i have completed 10 nos can i submit 19 nos and latter balance 40 articles.

Kindly help as i am very new to CC..


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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by cgardener »

If your article is not on your board, it was rejected. Please go to the rejection board to find out why.

When there is a public request, you submit the articles one at a time. Many other people are also writing and submitting articles on this request, so you are not obligated to do all 50 articles.

For a Public Request, you cannot submit it to the customer until it is approved.
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How to come out suspension account???

Post by jayanti »

Dear Sir,

My account has been susupended, kindly help me to come out of this sutation. I want to establish my self as article writer.Yes more than three articles have been rejected.
Kindly Help.

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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by DSWaltenburg »

No offense intended, but if your usage of the English language is the same in your articles as in your posts, then this would probably explain why your account has been suspended. You may want to take some time to work on improving your written English. However, I cannot speak for Ed. All the best.

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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by jayanti »

Dear Sir,

Let me explain to you sir, my articles are properly written and submitted to you.
In this forum you may find my english bit funny, because i am writting it short.

See sir, i have written many articles to idealmarketer,articlecity,articlebase,goarticle,articledashboard etc.
You might say that the above mentioned websites are free article submission sites. But my articles are very popular
in the above sites. You mean to say that the viewers and website owners who have taken my articles are fools.

I am sorry to say so .Any how, best of Luck to you.

With best Regards

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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by DSWaltenburg »

A. Not everybody in this forum is a Sir.
B. None of us, except the editor, have any way of knowing what your writing style is like, nor the basis for their decision to suspend your account.
C. Improving your English was merely a suggestion, so to take that suggestion and twist it around, implying that I'm saying anything about anything other than your writing style within this forum is just a form of deflecting and avoiding accepting any personal responsibility for your current situation.
D. Rejection from anything is an opportunity to learn and improve. If you don't learn and improve from mistakes then be prepared to be happy right where you're at.

Rock on.

MRS DS Waltenburg
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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by jayanti »

Dear Sir,

I have written the above comments because i wanted to be one of you. yes may be as you say, my english has to improve and i will try.
At least give me one more chance to prove my self.Kindly help me in get my acoount from suspension.

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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by jayanti »

Till now i have not received any reply about my suspension.

Posts: 130
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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by cgardener »

Jayanti, please improve your english, or have someone else translate your articles for you. Then if you write to staff with examples of understandable articles, maybe they will reinstate you. If not, they won't. It's very, very simple. First, make the articles readable and understandable, then prove your case.

I'm sorry you were suspended, but we can't do anything about it here on the forums. Continuing to post demands to be reinstated here is only hurting your case for reinstatement.

You know what the problem is. Fix it, and then come back.
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Re: Article missing ???????????

Post by Ed »


You were sent an email explaining that we can no longer accept your content. We do not accept submissions with grammatical errors. When you signed up for Constant Content, you agreed that you understood that your account would be suspended after three rejections. Your articles were repeatedly rejected for errors.
