Are we allowed to have more than one account?

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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by cgardener »

Please don't take this wrong, because the tone may be misread. I'm not angry.

I did do a page on my blog referring people to CC, but I put in it how picky you were, and that this was a professional site, and to read the guidelines before applying. If people apply in spite of all my dire warnings, I certainly have no control over that. I in no way intended to flood the site with bad writers, and as little traffic as my blog gets, I don't think I did. I didn't really do it to make money from affiliates, but to let people know how great this site is, and to get some good writers that will make you some money. I'll take the blog post down if you think it will help, but seriously, I've only signed up 12 (13 if you count the one that has two i.d.'s) people, and if all of them get suspended, I won't even care. I'd just hate to think I'm part of the problem.

I think a lot of the problem is the economics of the whole thing. Maybe you should not post the invoices for the best writers here. I know that it was something that turned my head, when I saw how much some people make. Others will see them too, and the numbers alone will turn their heads.

This is the only site I've seen where you can see how much the writers make each month.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Good morning,

You can't see how much each writer makes - you can only speculate by watching the recently sold list. I believe you are seeing examples where occasional large orders are going through as a single submission which happens from time to time. It's simply easier for the customer and the writer to deal with one large submission rather than a dozens of smaller ones.

But there's nowhere where monthly earnings are posted.
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by Ed »

Nooo . . . I'm talking about people who post their affiliate link in a non-English language forum, message board, blog, etc., with no other information than CC will sell articles. I doubt that you have attracted any people whose titles are the first indicator that they may not have a good grasp of grammar. ;)

If you've given people an idea about what CC expects, then you're doing us a service.
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by Ed »

[quote="Celeste Stewart"]

But there's nowhere where monthly earnings are posted.[/quote]

Thanks for the clarification!
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by cgardener »

Actually, the ones I saw said "Monthly Invoice" on them. One was actually from you for around $2500 and one was from Word Gypsy for about $1300.

Still, it might be a good idea not to have invoices available for viewing.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Those are for monthly bulk submissions with an invoice for a client who prefers to pay one large bill each month rather than hundreds of little ones. This is done with the full support of CC. These "invoices" do not represent our total monthly earnings and frankly they shouldn't be a concern to anyone other than those involved. These invoices are also not viewable - all you see is the title and a dollar amount. We could call them XYZ if we wanted but that's not very descriptive for the customer.

While most people aren't comfortable saying "I make $X per month," and I wouldn't want my earnings published for the world to see, I don't think that it hurts CC for writers to see that it IS possible to make a decent living here.
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by cgardener »

I'm sure you're right, Celeste. You've been doing this much longer than I have. Actually, seeing one of those invoices was instrumental in making me want to succeed here.
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Re: Are we allowed to have more than one account?

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Their Filetonic invoices just make me dream of the day when someone will pay me that kind of cash for my thread crochet experience :D

If only I knew computers.

One can dream!! :)